84782 packages online
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Third archive of levels made by Jeff (Dreamsoft). Content:
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
51516 36692 28.7% 24-Dec-97 16:39:48 Lemmings.3222.WRM
37974 14296 62.3% 11-Aug-96 16:29:06 LEONARD.WRM
24996 10833 56.6% 28-Sep-96 11:49:16 MECA.WRM
30092 11175 62.8% 24-Dec-97 16:39:46 Micro.3362.WRM
41304 7677 81.4% 24-Dec-97 16:39:46 Mirror.3307.WRM
41142 8007 80.5% 24-Dec-97 16:39:44 Mirror2.3307.WRM
65772 46023 30.0% 28-Sep-96 11:50:04 MUR.WRM
49126 4936 89.9% 02-Feb-97 18:11:00 NAIF.WRM
19546 6229 68.1% 26-Jun-98 15:22:18 nature.3309.WRM
26508 9687 63.4% 26-Jun-98 15:54:22 nature2.3309.WRM
37396 7322 80.4% 16-Feb-98 16:40:00 NewPink.3223.WRM
26996 5564 79.3% 02-Feb-97 18:12:00 PICS.WRM
38682 16398 57.6% 26-Dec-97 17:04:52 Pink1.3323.WRM
34506 14713 57.3% 15-Feb-98 17:59:42 Pink2.3323.WRM
36334 11023 69.6% 15-Feb-98 17:59:58 Pink3.3323.WRM
46592 22509 51.6% 15-Feb-98 18:00:20 Pink4.3323.WRM
45684 22559 50.6% 15-Feb-98 17:57:58 Pink5.3323.WRM
68650 39870 41.9% 24-Dec-97 16:40:18 PUZZLE.3322.WRM
31308 8114 74.0% 28-Sep-96 11:54:50 RUNNER.WRM
30406 12099 60.2% 24-Dec-97 16:39:44 Slippery.3279.WRM
41918 15126 63.9% 24-Dec-97 16:39:46 Space.3378.WRM
31412 4000 87.2% 24-Dec-97 16:39:44 Stairs.3348.WRM
69676 18785 73.0% 07-Sep-96 17:37:56 Stone.WRM
48258 3504 92.7% 24-Dec-97 16:39:46 Tricky.3307.WRM
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
975794 357141 63.3% 10-Jul-98 16:20:54 24 files
Contents of game/data/dsworms3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 36692 51516 71.2% -lh5- 28a5 Dec 24 1997 Lemmings.3222.WRM
[generic] 14296 37974 37.6% -lh5- fc6e Aug 11 1996 leonard.wrm
[generic] 10833 24996 43.3% -lh5- fe7e Sep 28 1996 meca.wrm
[generic] 11175 30092 37.1% -lh5- 7b24 Dec 24 1997 Micro.3362.WRM
[generic] 7677 41304 18.6% -lh5- def4 Dec 24 1997 Mirror.3307.WRM
[generic] 8007 41142 19.5% -lh5- ea52 Dec 24 1997 Mirror2.3307.WRM
[generic] 46023 65772 70.0% -lh5- 258b Sep 28 1996 mur.wrm
[generic] 4936 49126 10.0% -lh5- 54ee Feb 2 1997 naif.wrm
[generic] 6229 19546 31.9% -lh5- 6ab5 Jun 26 1998 nature.3309.WRM
[generic] 9687 26508 36.5% -lh5- 4266 Jun 26 1998 nature2.3309.WRM
[generic] 7322 37396 19.6% -lh5- 6798 Feb 16 1998 NewPink.3223.WRM
[generic] 5564 26996 20.6% -lh5- 17a3 Feb 2 1997 pics.wrm
[generic] 16398 38682 42.4% -lh5- 00cc Dec 26 1997 Pink1.3323.WRM
[generic] 14713 34506 42.6% -lh5- 76a2 Feb 15 1998 Pink2.3323.WRM
[generic] 11023 36334 30.3% -lh5- ceee Feb 15 1998 Pink3.3323.WRM
[generic] 22509 46592 48.3% -lh5- 3cf6 Feb 15 1998 Pink4.3323.WRM
[generic] 22559 45684 49.4% -lh5- eaef Feb 15 1998 Pink5.3323.WRM
[generic] 39870 68650 58.1% -lh5- 6099 Dec 24 1997 puzzle.3322.wrm
[generic] 8114 31308 25.9% -lh5- 3381 Sep 28 1996 runner.wrm
[generic] 12099 30406 39.8% -lh5- 2eb5 Dec 24 1997 Slippery.3279.WRM
[generic] 15126 41918 36.1% -lh5- c842 Dec 24 1997 Space.3378.WRM
[generic] 4000 31412 12.7% -lh5- 62ed Dec 24 1997 Stairs.3348.WRM
[generic] 18785 69676 27.0% -lh5- cef4 Sep 7 1996 Stone.WRM
[generic] 3504 48258 7.3% -lh5- 91e2 Dec 24 1997 Tricky.3307.WRM
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 357141 975794 36.6% Jul 31 1998
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