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Short:17 Extra Tracks for Xtreme Racing
Author:Kristin van Nieff
Uploader:Peter Elzner
Download:game/data/Xtr_slk.lha - View contents

           *                                                      *
           *              -:SLK Universal Presents:-              *
           *                                                      *
           *   XTreme Racing "SLK-Allstar" tracks Read Me file.   *
           *                                                      *

17! That's right 17 Extra Tracks for XTreme Racing!!!!! They feature some
unique and XTremely fun features to keep you excited for at least 1 hour!
This even includes 2 Death Match Tracks so you can kill your friends!
Also Included are some suck lap times for you to kick arse with!

TRACK FEATURES:         Super High Speed, Secret FUN Areas, Mine Fields,
                        Head to Head Racing, Ice Rinks, Interesting
                        Layouts, and of course, AWESOME FUN!

TILE SETS:              CU, Snow, Road, Doom, Nuclear, Volcanic, Castle.

CREATION TIME:          These tracks were created a few years ago now and
                        took about one day each to Draw and Play test
                        until it could be play tested no more.

MY SETUP:               These Tracks have been created and tested on:
                        A1200, DKB 030 50mhz FPU 50mhz, 2Mb Chip, 8 Fast,
                        Xtreme Racing 2.0(1.1)

INSTALLATION:           You should know by now how to Install them but if
                        you don't it's fairly simple to do. Just copy the
                        contents of each directory of the Archive to your
                        XTR: matching directory. Sorry, no installer
                        supplied. 8(

CREDITS:                A lot of these tracks have been created using the
                        CU Amiga and XTR Christmas DEMO tile sets, so I
                        have included them as some people may not have them.
                        I hope no trouble is caused by me doing this. 8)
                        ALL Credits for those tile sets and other related
                        files goes to Silltunna Software and CU Amiga!!!

                        The Hedgehog, Rabbit & XL Tree Objects I have
                        included are from the Author of the cool 'StepOn'
                        Track available from aminet! Get IT!

                        ALLSTAR 1-5 & Doom Arena DeathMatch Tracks...
                                    - Created by Rikki van Nieff

                        SLK 1-9, SLK2 & SLK DeathMatch Tracks + Mine Object
                                    - Created by Kristin van Nieff

THANKS:                 Special Thanks go our to Silltunna Software for the
                        best racing game ever on the Amiga!

                        CU Amiga for the BEST Mag ever!

                        Author of 'StepOn' for some cool Objects!

                        Staci Love Keanan for being such a babe!!!

                        And even more Special Thanks go to the people who
                        support Amiga, Back for the Future!!

GREETS:                 David J. Cruickshank!      (Skull Army)
                        Ilija Hodak!               (ACE Traxx)
                        Nicolas Imbert!            (ADF)
                        Namely Tomten,
                        Rap & SAAB Turbo!          (CKD)
                        Brian Whittle!             (DataWorld)
                        Ross Kirk!                 (RK)
                        & ALL XTR Fans!


Blah blah blah.. Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy these tracks!
                 But please read the following before doing anything!!

Legal Issue:

The author is in no way liable for any loss of data, damages to software or
hardware that may result directly or indirectly from use of any file
supplied in this archive.

Copyright / Permission Information

These XTR Tracks can be freely distributed, but are Copyrighted to the
Author. You are not allowed to change any part of this release, or to
sell it for a mass profit. You are NOT allowed to flog off this work as
your own.

Disclaimer & Distribution Rules

This file MUST be distributed with this section & below in
unedited form. All tracks must be distributed with this file in
the archive, and this shall be used as the basis for the file
description for Aminet/BBS/Other locations.

Silltunna Software Ltd./Black Magic Software are NOT responsible for any
damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or misuse of XTreme Racing
and any related material whether written by us or otherwise. You use this
software at your own risk.

Thankyou & Enjoy.

Contents of game/data/Xtr_slk.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  976    9728  10.0% -lh5- 449e Jun  1  1999 XTR_SLK-Allstar/.laptimes
[generic]                 2958    2958 100.0% -lh0- 6a08 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Backgrounds/CUBG.bck
[generic]                 4214    4214 100.0% -lh0- 81f0 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Backgrounds/SNOWBG.bck
[generic]                  971    5402  18.0% -lh5- b3c6 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Gradients/SNOWSKY.Grd
[generic]                22400   22400 100.0% -lh0- 9a70 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Allstar_1.raw
[generic]                12280   12280 100.0% -lh0- 271f Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Allstar_2.raw
[generic]                14162   14162 100.0% -lh0- 8096 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Allstar_3.raw
[generic]                 8380    8444  99.2% -lh5- e6ac Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Allstar_4.raw
[generic]                 2706    2740  98.8% -lh5- 7198 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Allstar_5.raw
[generic]                13614   13614 100.0% -lh0- f1b8 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/Doom_Arena_D.raw
[generic]                10418   10432  99.9% -lh5- 7c56 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK-2_1.raw
[generic]                18432   18432 100.0% -lh0- 2d3f Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_1.raw
[generic]                17922   17922 100.0% -lh0- e89b Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_1_D.raw
[generic]                 9588    9714  98.7% -lh5- 4d7e Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_2.raw
[generic]                 4000    4000 100.0% -lh0- 3404 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_3.raw
[generic]                20902   20902 100.0% -lh0- 8ed6 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_4.raw
[generic]                22232   22232 100.0% -lh0- 23a8 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_5.raw
[generic]                 6364    6364 100.0% -lh0- 734e Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_6.raw
[generic]                18043   18070  99.9% -lh5- c7cc Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_7.raw
[generic]                23088   23088 100.0% -lh0- d711 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_8.raw
[generic]                10970   10970 100.0% -lh0- 7276 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Layouts/SLK_9.raw
[generic]                 1502    1502 100.0% -lh0- 39f7 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/BigSnowTr.obj
[generic]                   90     170  52.9% -lh5- fd7c Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/Mine.obj
[generic]                  295    4088   7.2% -lh5- 6f28 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/Rabbit.Obj
[generic]                  551    3068  18.0% -lh5- ae5d Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/RabbitD.Obj
[generic]                  594     594 100.0% -lh0- 1a00 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/SantaDeath.Obj
[generic]                  322     322 100.0% -lh0- d13f Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/SantaLem.Obj
[generic]                  856     856 100.0% -lh0- 068c Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/SnowTree.obj
[generic]                 3764   16450  22.9% -lh5- 57da Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Objects/TreeBig.obj
[generic]                 1057    1338  79.0% -lh5- d006 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Palettes/CU.Pal
[generic]                  997    1246  80.0% -lh5- 130f Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Palettes/Snow.Pal
[generic]                36194   36194 100.0% -lh0- 212c Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/CUFLATS1.Chk
[generic]                34898   34898 100.0% -lh0- 1216 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/CUFLATS2.Chk
[generic]                35680   35680 100.0% -lh0- a1b3 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/CUFLATS3.Chk
[generic]                45138   45138 100.0% -lh0- 598c Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/CUSOLIDS1.Chk
[generic]                33958   33958 100.0% -lh0- 42fd Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/CUSOLIDS2.Chk
[generic]                45990   45990 100.0% -lh0- 1c91 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/SNOWFLATS1.Chk
[generic]                48462   48462 100.0% -lh0- b028 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/SNOWFLATS2.Chk
[generic]                38018   38018 100.0% -lh0- e522 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/SNOWFLATS3.Chk
[generic]                50884   50884 100.0% -lh0- 3259 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tiles/SNOWSOLIDS1.Chk
[generic]                 3256    3510  92.8% -lh5- 0db0 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Allstar_1.Trk
[generic]                 9078    9360  97.0% -lh5- 3964 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Allstar_2.Trk
[generic]                 6513    6832  95.3% -lh5- d89d Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Allstar_3.Trk
[generic]                 4599    5050  91.1% -lh5- 0d12 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Allstar_4.Trk
[generic]                 3238    3764  86.0% -lh5- 3347 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Allstar_5.Trk
[generic]                 4208    4456  94.4% -lh5- 837b Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/Doom_Arena_D.Trk
[generic]                 6142    6380  96.3% -lh5- 1747 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK-2_1.Trk
[generic]                 5118    5370  95.3% -lh5- 5121 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_1.Trk
[generic]                 6409    6662  96.2% -lh5- 7382 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_1_D.Trk
[generic]                 6403    6646  96.3% -lh5- 6e04 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_2.Trk
[generic]                 6233    6664  93.5% -lh5- 5c80 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_3.Trk
[generic]                 6499    6744  96.4% -lh5- 0129 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_4.Trk
[generic]                 5651    5982  94.5% -lh5- d54a Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_5.Trk
[generic]                 6267    6630  94.5% -lh5- 6f29 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_6.Trk
[generic]                 4008    4464  89.8% -lh5- 89d0 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_7.Trk
[generic]                 8366    8744  95.7% -lh5- 0810 Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_8.Trk
[generic]                 7079    7294  97.1% -lh5- 2c3f Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Tracks/SLK_9.Trk
[generic]                 3272    3272 100.0% -lh0- 1ccf Nov 18  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Worlds/Allstar.raw
[generic]                12386   12386 100.0% -lh0- e4d4 Nov 18  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Worlds/SLK-2.raw
[generic]                 5305    5312  99.9% -lh5- 624b Oct 15  1997 XTR_SLK-Allstar/Worlds/SLK.raw
[generic]                 1935    4913  39.4% -lh5- d366 Jun  3  1999 XTR_SLK-Allstar/XTRA-ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        61 files  745835  787359  94.7%            Jan  2  2000
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