84782 packages online
game/data/KO2_Vehicles.lha |
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Short: | TEN great new vehicles for KNOCKOUT 2 ! |
Author: | I.J.Ward dcs.hull.ac.uk (Ian Ward) R.Barge dcs.hull.ac.uk (Richard Barge) |
Uploader: | bwyatt paston co uk (Ben Wyatt) |
Type: | game/data |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1996-07-21 |
Requires: | game/2play/KnockOut2.lha |
Download: | game/data/KO2_Vehicles.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/data/KO2_Vehicles.readme |
Downloads: | 743 |
This is a collection of 10 new vehicles for use with the game Knockout 2
available on Aminet at game/2play/KnockOut2.lha - you'll need it to use
these vehicles!! :-)
To install the vehicles into the game, simply copy the required vehicles
into the directory "Vehicles" and rename them so they are numbered 1, 2, 3,
4, etc. You may find that the game crashes with any more than 7 vehicles
so you won't be able to try them all at once! With 1Mb, you'll struggle to
load more than one or two.
The files "Original_Car_1" and "Original_Car_2" are the two original vehicles
that came with it. They are provided in case you accidently overwrite them.
All these vehicles were created by:
Ian Ward - I.J.Ward@dcs.hull.ac.uk
Richard Barge - R.Barge@dcs.hull.ac.uk
Contents of game/data/KO2_Vehicles.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1352 2438 55.5% -lh5- c3e0 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Bi-Plane
[generic] 1401 2438 57.5% -lh5- 5135 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Bulldozer
[generic] 116 2438 4.8% -lh5- 85a5 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Fly
[generic] 1157 2438 47.5% -lh5- d17c May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Fly_Swat
[generic] 1160 2438 47.6% -lh5- 2757 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Helicopter
[generic] 225 2438 9.2% -lh5- 137b May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Pulsating_Ball
[generic] 587 2438 24.1% -lh5- 5e41 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Sheep
[generic] 1633 2438 67.0% -lh5- 7ea4 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Tank
[generic] 262 2438 10.7% -lh5- c37f May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/UFO
[generic] 642 2657 24.2% -lh5- e93c Feb 26 1992 KO2_Vehicles.info
[generic] 1491 2438 61.2% -lh5- fdc3 May 1 1990 ko2_vehicles/Big_Buggy
[generic] 537 993 54.1% -lh5- 7fa9 Feb 26 1992 ko2_vehicles/KO2_Vehicles.readme
[generic] 1633 5164 31.6% -lh5- c2c0 Feb 26 1992 ko2_vehicles/KO2_Vehicles.readme.info
[generic] 1615 2438 66.2% -lh5- cbd7 Jan 28 1996 ko2_vehicles/Original_Car_1
[generic] 1539 2438 63.1% -lh5- 40cf Mar 25 1995 ko2_vehicles/Original_Car_2
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 15350 38070 40.3% Jul 21 1996
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