84782 packages online
game/data/Cdz-ClivesGlor.lha |
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(_____ |___|/ \[____]|___|
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Clive's Glory cardZset - By Squize 19/11/95.
The copyright for the actual images belong to the respective companies/artists,
although if you can get a CD full of these games for "PD" prices then I guess
they don't really care that much what happens to them.
A huge thank you goes to Eduardo Delgado Buitrago ( fmerino@hp9000.uva.es )
who went to all the trouble of converting the originals to IFF and then
spreading them. The address I've got for him is...
Eduardo Delgado Buitrago
Angel Molina, 5 - 6 B
47400 Medina del Campo
Valladolid - SPAIN
In case you may want to contact him about Spectrum type stuff.
This set is currently exclusive to Super-CardZ, although feel free to convert
them to work on any other card games which may be able to use them ;)
( But please leave this read-me file intact ).
( Making this card set is the single most boring thing I've ever had to do on
my Amiga, that's why this is my first and last ever card set. )
Contents of game/data/Cdz-ClivesGlor.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 124715 166555 74.9% -lh5- f563 Jun 13 1991 ClivesGlory.cdz
[generic] 730 1629 44.8% -lh5- 001a Jun 13 1991 ClivesGlory.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 125445 168184 74.6% Aug 6 1997
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