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Short:'Bloboats', SDL/GL game like Xmoto
Author:Markus "MakeGho" Kettunen, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP
Uploader:Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com>
Download:game/actio/pfp-blob.lha - View contents

                       O    O                        O      O
                   o           o                  o             o
                  o             .               .                o
                    .                  .____.        _______   .
 ._______________________.___________  |    |__   .____.     ____.___________.
 |     __     /   ___    |    __    /__|___ __/___|__ _ |   |    |     __    |
 |    |_/    /    _|    |    |/   /   ___/ |     __//  |___      |    |_/    | 
 |    ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____|    _____|_____      |
 |____|                                                              /_________|
                                      F O R                 .____.
       .________________________ _____________._____________|    |__ 
       |     __     /   __     /_     __     |    ____/____)    __/______
       |    |_/    /    |/    /       _|    |    __/ |    |    |_/     /       
   .   |    ______/_____|___________________|    |   |____|___________/    .  
       |____|                                 |____|
  o                       .                              .                    o
   o                    o         P R E S E N T S          o                 o
         O        O               BLOBOATS [OS4]                O       O                                            

                            PORTED BY ............ SPOT
                            SUPPLIED BY ... BILL MCEWEN
                            TYPE ................. GAME

 Change your monitor tooltypes to interrupt=no for a flickerfree display, it's 
          slower though. Hopefully minigl will be fixed soon!


Bloboats 1.0.1-2 
by Markus "MakeGho" Kettunen <makegho()>,

1. Babble babble
2. Installation and configuring
  2.1. Unix-like systems
  2.2. Windows
  2.3. Configuration files
3. Credits
4. Controls & stuff
  4.1. Menu keys           (How do I delete that player or recording?!)
  4.2. In-game keys        (What are the default keys?!)
  4.3. Flags               (Is there a way to disable the crappy sounds completely?!)
  4.4. Recordings          (I can't find the recording I saved in the game!!)
  4.5. Structure of the recordings (That recording doesn't work!!)
  4.6. Public scoreboard   (I think I made a really good time! How fast should I be?)
5. Licence and copying


1. Babble babble

Bloboats is a boat racing game in which the objective is to reach the goal
as fast as possible, at least faster than your friend does. Perhaps the poor ship,
MS Enterprise, is always in distress, or something.

The development of Bloboats was started just for fun, but as Assembly '06 got closer,
the plan changed a bit. Now the plan was to not be the worst ranked in Assembly '06 game
development competition. The physics engine of Bloboats uses some heavy
spring forces related calculation with heavy damping, and was not originally developed
for Bloboats but just for my own testing purposes -- just for fun. As always.

Bloboats is licensed under GNU GPL 2 except for some data files. For details, see
"5. License and copying" and file "copying.txt".

2. Installation and configuring

2.1. Unix-like systems

- Install SDL (, dev and runtime)
- Install SDL_image (, dev and runtime)
- Install SDL_mixer (, dev and runtime)
- Install SDL_net (, dev and runtime)
- Install libvorbis

It is possible to install without sounds (SDL_mixer) by setting SOUND = 0 in the Makefile
and deleting all -lSDL_mixer entries.

It is possible to install without network support (SDL_net) by setting NETWORK = 0 in the makefile
and deleting all -lSDL_net entries.

Installation steps:

1. Open Makefile in a text editor
2. Read the help lines and do needed changes
3. Compile by typing 'make', or if that doesn't work, try 'gmake'. Make sure you have
writing permissions to the installation directory (you may specify it in the Makefile).
Also make sure you have SDL-dev, SDL_image-dev, SDL_net-dev and SDL_mixer-dev.
4. Remember to do 'make install'. If you don't have root privileges, consult Makefile

2.2. Windows
- Run the installer

2.3. Configuration files

- Private directory (in Unix-like systems, specified in the Makefile, in Windows usually 'private')
contains directories 'ghost' and 'records'. Ghost directory contains the best run for each level
and 'records' directory contains all the recordings you've created with the game or copied there
for watching purposes.

- players.dat in the private directory shouldn't be touched. It contains the private highscores
for every player and the number of secrets found, etc. If this file is removed, it will be automatically
re-created, without information about the players.

- levels.dat contains the best times of all players listed in Select player menu. Deleting forces
highscore reset.

- config.dat has some information about the settings selected in options menu. Change the order of
these or remove a line and you may lose them all. This file is not meant to be edited, but will
be automatically recreated with default settings if deleted.


3. Credits

Bloboats was made by Markus "MakeGho" Kettunen, and released by Blobtrox.
Musics by Pauli "Gwaur" Marttinen

Thanks and greetings to:
  - Pauli "Gwaur" Marttinen for all the music in the game and data/images/ground2.png
  - Jouni "Cornix" Puotila for data/images/bloboats.png
  - Miiro "miiro" Lindfors for data/images/alus.png
  - Henri "str4nd" Strand for pages at
  - Aspekt
  - Blobtrox
  - Fingersoft
  - Lonelycoders
  - Moonhazard
  - Abyss :)
  - Arcatan
  - Daed
  - kaviaari
  - Malkkis
  - Nexton
  - Sponji
  - sooda
  - tArzAn
  - You too, yes, you.

If you should be here, please tell me. (You are!)


4. Controls & stuff

4.1. Menu keys

Enter key selects, up and down change selection.
In the scoreboard view left and right change level, and in the volume view
left and right arrow keys change volume.

Delete or d may be used to delete player slots or recordings.

4.2. In-game keys

F1 toggles special information mode for hackers
F2 toggles FPS view

Default keys:

Left and right arrow keys rotate the ship. (Counter-clockwise, clockwise)
Up key thrusts, down key reverses
C jumps (the higher the bigger part of the ship is in the water)
R and F zoom

Note that these may be changed from the controls menu.

4.3. Flags

These are the flags for running bloboats from command line

--nosound : Sounds will be turned completely off until you start bloboats with --sound
--sound : Turns sound on if it has been turned off with --nosound
--windowed : Tells Bloboats to be run in windowed mode. Flag -w does the same.
--fullscreen : Tells Bloboats to be run in fullscreen mode. Flag -f does the same.
--resolution=NxM : Changes resolution to NxM.
--nolimit : Disables some limitations; used for checking validity of a record.
--help : displays help about the command line flags

Notice: in Windows the output goes to stdout.txt in the installation directory

4.4. Recordings

It is possible to open recordings straight with bloboats by selecting "open with"
from whatever you might be using. (bloboats <filename> in the correct directory in command line)

To distribute a recording, copy it from private/records/ and if you wish to play
a recording given to you, put it into private/records/. Replace private with whatever
privatedir is set to in file bloboats.dirs or in Unix-like systems, /etc/bloboats.dirs

Note that in order to be shown in the view records menu correctly, the name of the
recording must be written in capital letters (except for the .brc, (bloboats recording) extension)

4.5. Structure of the recordings

The recording files are just heavily compressed keyboard layout maps for every frame,
thus if you ever encounter a recording that "doesn't work" although it might even be in the
public scoreboard (, it is most probably because your computer and
the player's computer calculate floating point calculations a bit differently. Although the 
error for one calculation is really small, it cumulates and may corrupt the recording.

This may even happen in your own recordings on the same computer, especially if your hardware
is overclocked, but in any case, this should be extremely rare.

4.6. Public scoreboard

The game includes support for automatically sending the best scores to the public scoreboard
server at If options->upload scores button doesn't work or you can't
see it doing anything, please considering uploading your recording files manually. Also,
if your time wasn't green coloured, the game won't send your time at all. If you wish, you
may still add that time manually.

Tip: private/ghost directory has your best recordings for all the levels.

4.7. Secrets?

Yes, please. There are six special secrets hidden in the game. You'll find out.


5. License and copying

Bloboats is released under GNU GPL version 2, except for some these sound files that are licensed
under the Sampling Plus 1.0 license (

Samples used from Freesound:

RHumphries ( )
 rbh Applause 01 big.WAV ( )
meatball4u ( )
 explode4.wav ( )
harri ( )
 1_fridge_open.mp3 ( )
petenice ( )
 SPLASH.wav ( )
batchku ( )
 colide-18_017.aif ( )
NoiseCollector ( )
 granular ambience 2 boat.wav ( )
By pushtobreak (
            Earth1.aif (

Some of the sounds have been modified a bit or a lot for better suitability.

For details about the license information and GNU GPL version 2, see file "copying.txt".


Contents of game/actio/pfp-blob.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  132     213  62.0% -lh5- 98fa Dec 12 01:47 Bloboats/.bloboats/config.dat
[generic]                   61      70  87.1% -lh5- a945 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/ghost/ghost.txt
[generic]                  126     131  96.2% -lh5- f8d0 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/ghost/meri0.brc
[generic]                  303     329  92.1% -lh5- fb49 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/ghost/meri1.brc
[generic]                  207    3080   6.7% -lh5- 7d86 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/levels.dat
[generic]                  103   16225   0.6% -lh5- 708a Dec 12 01:47 Bloboats/.bloboats/players.dat
[generic]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- 16df Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/records/last.brc
[generic]                   51      54  94.4% -lh5- b5e7 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/.bloboats/records/records.txt
[generic]                   48      50  96.0% -lh5- aa20 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/bloboats.dirs
[generic]               752144  752144 100.0% -lh0- 9bbf Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/Bloboats.exe
[generic]                 8668    9850  88.0% -lh5- 7e48 Dec 12 01:49 Bloboats/
[generic]                 4105   10899  37.7% -lh5- 1248 Nov 29  2007 Bloboats/pfp-blob.nfo
[generic]                 8668    9854  88.0% -lh5- 6db2 Nov 29  2007 Bloboats/
[generic]                43301   44877  96.5% -lh5- ef80 Nov 28  2007 Bloboats/PFP.exe
[generic]                   61      70  87.1% -lh5- a945 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/defaults/private/ghost/ghost.txt
[generic]                  178    3080   5.8% -lh5- 4935 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/defaults/private/levels.dat
[generic]                   51      54  94.4% -lh5- b5e7 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/defaults/private/records/records.txt
[generic]                26141   28313  92.3% -lh5- 43e0 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/fonts/font.png
[generic]                20900   21521  97.1% -lh5- 8497 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/fonts/font2.png
[generic]                29642   30212  98.1% -lh5- 606a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/hirvio_.png
[generic]                 3260    3616  90.2% -lh5- 3d17 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/ice.png
[generic]                 1202    4286  28.0% -lh5- cb76 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/icon.ico
[generic]                 1192    1192 100.0% -lh0- 1adf Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/icon.png
[generic]                 3616    8869  40.8% -lh5- c5b9 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/readme.txt
[generic]                  255     379  67.3% -lh5- 1c27 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/Readme_MOS
[generic]                 7155    7293  98.1% -lh5- 04a5 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/
[generic]                75473   75473 100.0% -lh0- dec3 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/alus.png
[generic]               276833  276833 100.0% -lh0- dc6a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/bloboats.png
[generic]                79101   79101 100.0% -lh0- 7501 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/boulder.png
[generic]                30504   30504 100.0% -lh0- af78 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/ground.png
[generic]                35707   35707 100.0% -lh0- b47d Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/ground2.png
[generic]                 7733    8521  90.8% -lh5- f6dd Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/groundedge.png
[generic]                10633   11425  93.1% -lh5- ef20 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/groundedge2.png
[generic]                43553   43553 100.0% -lh0- 95a7 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/hirvio.png
[generic]                25377   26260  96.6% -lh5- 2aab Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/invader.png
[generic]                44240   45646  96.9% -lh5- 425f Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/maali.png
[generic]                45187   45187 100.0% -lh0- 235d Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/images/tux.png
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 83b6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri10.hsc
[generic]                  182     639  28.5% -lh5- 3d27 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri0.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 3752 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri0.hsc
[generic]                  283     584  48.5% -lh5- c162 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri0.mdl
[generic]                  520    1358  38.3% -lh5- e1e8 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri0.tdt
[generic]                  224     892  25.1% -lh5- 2402 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri1.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 34b7 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri1.hsc
[generic]                  500    1025  48.8% -lh5- 5a4e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri1.mdl
[generic]                  691    1921  36.0% -lh5- f29a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri1.tdt
[generic]                  424    2159  19.6% -lh5- 5d7a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri10.dat
[generic]                  414    2032  20.4% -lh5- eb0e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri9.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 598c Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri9.hsc
[generic]                 1438    2923  49.2% -lh5- 3226 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri9.mdl
[generic]                  156     321  48.6% -lh5- 77b0 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri9.tdt
[generic]                 1503    3091  48.6% -lh5- 5d88 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri10.mdl
[generic]                  173     386  44.8% -lh5- 7833 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri10.tdt
[generic]                  442    2047  21.6% -lh5- a48f Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri11.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- a786 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri11.hsc
[generic]                 1029    2255  45.6% -lh5- 9feb Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri11.mdl
[generic]                  191     394  48.5% -lh5- fce2 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri11.tdt
[generic]                  432    2311  18.7% -lh5- 15da Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri12.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- cb2b Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri12.hsc
[generic]                  949    1981  47.9% -lh5- 3769 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri14.mdl
[generic]                  197     413  47.7% -lh5- cbd6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri14.tdt
[generic]                  208     716  29.1% -lh5- 4226 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri15.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- bf31 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri15.hsc
[generic]                 1766    3653  48.3% -lh5- 369e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri12.mdl
[generic]                   94     149  63.1% -lh5- 1012 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri12.tdt
[generic]                  405    1985  20.4% -lh5- c4cd Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri13.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 64da Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri13.hsc
[generic]                 1132    2426  46.7% -lh5- d38e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri13.mdl
[generic]                  107     195  54.9% -lh5- 82d5 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri13.tdt
[generic]                  359    1713  21.0% -lh5- 7de1 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri14.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 4330 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri14.hsc
[generic]                 3868    8763  44.1% -lh5- a7f1 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri17.mdl
[generic]                  241     562  42.9% -lh5- 4d60 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri17.tdt
[generic]                  172     605  28.4% -lh5- 9e17 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri2.dat
[generic]                    7       7 100.0% -lh0- f3b7 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri2.hsc
[generic]                  390     789  49.4% -lh5- 88ad Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri15.mdl
[generic]                  185     396  46.7% -lh5- a617 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri15.tdt
[generic]                  743    4201  17.7% -lh5- caea Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri16.dat
[generic]                   11      11 100.0% -lh0- 8cd5 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri16.hsc
[generic]                 3323    7216  46.1% -lh5- 194b Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri16.mdl
[generic]                  182     403  45.2% -lh5- 905c Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri16.tdt
[generic]                  709    4082  17.4% -lh5- ad48 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri17.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 94d6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri17.hsc
[generic]                  208     436  47.7% -lh5- edb3 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri4.tdt
[generic]                  379    1804  21.0% -lh5- b768 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri5.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- bd66 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri5.hsc
[generic]                 1207    2457  49.1% -lh5- 4c0a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri5.mdl
[generic]                  259     527  49.1% -lh5- 8a9c Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri2.mdl
[generic]                   76     125  60.8% -lh5- ab00 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri2.tdt
[generic]                  195     600  32.5% -lh5- 4bdb Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri3.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 5292 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri3.hsc
[generic]                  233     474  49.2% -lh5- b9b2 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri3.mdl
[generic]                   83     138  60.1% -lh5- 0487 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri3.tdt
[generic]                  219     805  27.2% -lh5- 53c5 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri4.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 83b6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri4.hsc
[generic]                  357     729  49.0% -lh5- 7af6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri4.mdl
[generic]                  246     922  26.7% -lh5- 0c21 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri8.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 8f26 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri8.hsc
[generic]                  481    1048  45.9% -lh5- 7bfa Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri8.mdl
[generic]                  110     221  49.8% -lh5- a3ec Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri8.tdt
[generic]                   78     125  62.4% -lh5- d36b Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri5.tdt
[generic]                  388    1805  21.5% -lh5- 42af Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri6.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- f09b Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri6.hsc
[generic]                 1241    2549  48.7% -lh5- 6395 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri6.mdl
[generic]                  134     275  48.7% -lh5- 0b2f Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri6.tdt
[generic]                  380    1735  21.9% -lh5- 2333 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri7.dat
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 719a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri7.hsc
[generic]                 1107    2270  48.8% -lh5- a41f Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri7.mdl
[generic]                  112     224  50.0% -lh5- b6e4 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/levels/meri7.tdt
[generic]                  128     245  52.2% -lh5- d431 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/invader.mdl
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- cd9a Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/menu.mdl
[generic]                  469    1117  42.0% -lh5- fbce Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/paatti.mdl
[generic]                   98     181  54.1% -lh5- c325 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/tux.mdl
[generic]                  121     222  54.5% -lh5- 7b43 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/boulder.mdl
[generic]                  905    2073  43.7% -lh5- 1cfb Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/broken.mdl
[generic]                  647    1463  44.2% -lh5- 4990 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/models/hirvio.mdl
[generic]                40829   48212  84.7% -lh5- 0a39 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/bump.wav
[generic]                44141   64328  68.6% -lh5- d094 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/clonk.wav
[generic]                68638  110636  62.0% -lh5- dea6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/menuenter.wav
[generic]                10876   13562  80.2% -lh5- dcc9 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/menuselect.wav
[generic]               996911  996911 100.0% -lh0- 1b1d Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/music0.ogg
[generic]               332803  394664  84.3% -lh5- 8a7d Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/roarr.wav
[generic]                  386    1193  32.4% -lh5- b09e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/sounds.txt
[generic]                27300   44704  61.1% -lh5- e013 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/splash.wav
[generic]              1027378 1158420  88.7% -lh5- cc7c Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/vroom.wav
[generic]                 6581    9518  69.1% -lh5- b0a7 Nov  6  2007
[generic]                   36      36 100.0% -lh0- 593d Dec 12 01:46 Bloboats/Bloboats
[generic]                 7356   18965  38.8% -lh5- 486e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/copying.txt
[generic]               286427  352416  81.3% -lh5- ddb6 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/explosion.wav
[generic]               924539 1108852  83.4% -lh5- 3021 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/finish.wav
[generic]              1199472 1199472 100.0% -lh0- f314 Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/music1.ogg
[generic]              1275418 1323768  96.3% -lh5- c09d Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/music2.ogg
[generic]               501024  501024 100.0% -lh0- 446e Sep  1  2006 Bloboats/data/sounds/music3.ogg
[generic]                  173     504  34.3% -lh5- 8237 Nov 29  2007 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       134 files 8369895 9071415  92.3%            Jan  4 08:32
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