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Short:'Bomber Instinct' a good Bomberman clone
Author:Meta, Mad, Nils Gespert, Jean-Pierre Gesbert, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP
Uploader:"Varthall / Up Rough" <varti02 hotpop com>
Download:game/actio/pfp-bins.lha - View contents

                       O    O                        O      O
                   o           o                  o             o
                  o             .               .                o
                    .                  .____.        _______   .
 ._______________________.___________  |    |__   .____.     ____.___________.
 |     __     /   ___    |    __    /__|___ __/___|__ _ |   |    |     __    |
 |    |_/    /    _|    |    |/   /   ___/ |     __//  |___      |    |_/    | 
 |    ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____|    _____|_____      |
 |____|                                                              /_________|
                                      F O R                 .____.
       .________________________ _____________._____________|    |__ 
       |     __     /   __     /_     __     |    ____/____)    __/______
       |    |_/    /    |/    /       _|    |    __/ |    |    |_/     /       
   .   |    ______/_____|___________________|    |   |____|___________/    .  
       |____|                                 |____|
  o                       .                              .                    o
   o                    o         P R E S E N T S          o                 o
         O        O            BOMBER INSTINCT / OS4            O       O       

                            PORTED BY ............ SPOT
                            SUPPLIED BY ... BILL MCEWEN
                            TYPE ................. GAME

--[ORIGINAL README]-------------------------------------------------------------


 I. What is Bomber Instinct ?

   BomberInstinct is a multiplayer-only game. It plays only on a
single computer at the moment, with keyboard and/or joystick. It's
part like Bomberman, because you must kill the other players with
bombs that throw flames vertically and horizontally, but it's much
more strategical because you have to do with the elements of a maze
(arrows, tunnels, teleportations, and many more...), and with the
special powers of each character.
   Remember that the game is still far for being finished : there is
only one music and no (decent) sound effects, and lots of features
aren't yet available, many character animations are missing.
   You are welcome to send me suggestions or ideas at

 II. License.

   BomberInstinct is released under GPL. For more details, see the
file GPL in the game directory.

 III. Installation (Linux/Unix).

   To install, you need first to have SDL and SDL_mixer on your
system. They can be found at Then, untar/gz the file
you downloaded by typing "tar -xzf BomberInstinct-*.tar.gz", cd into
the directory created ("cd BomberInstinct"), and type
"./configure". If there is no error, you can now run "make". If
everything has worked, you can now become root ("su root") if you were
not, and type "make install". Just launch the game by typing "bi".

Note : the level editor Nived and the sprite editor Spred can be
launched by typing "nived" and "spred".

 IV. Commands.
  * Game commands

   Commands are the four directions, and two buttons: the first to
drop a bomb, the second to use the special powers of the character. To
use a power, press the second button and left or right (depending on
the power you want to use) simultaneously (of course, you need to have
enough energy. The power icon on the right of your character lights
when you have.)
   The keys can be configured on the option screen : go on the
character's number and press the directions while you are asked
to. You can also press a joystick button to set it for the character.
   Default keys are arrows, right control and shift keys.

  * Useful keys

ESC   -Return to the menu/skip intro/quit.
F1    -Toggle fullscreen.
F8    -Restart the current screen.
F10   -Quit immediately.
Pause -Pause game.
Space -Skip sequence/Continue game.

 V. Story.

   Know that there is a whole story behind the mysteries of the
Labyrinthe and behind each character. But it's not all written, and
not at all translated at the moment.

 VI. Credits.

Programmation: Louis Gesbert (Meta) <metagribouille()>
Graphics: Manon Gesbert (Mad)
Scenario: Nils Gesbert <gesbert()>
Musics: Jean-Pierre Gesbert

Thanks to Sam Lantiga and all the people who have contributed to
SDL, thanks to Yorick and all the people at #sdl


Contents of game/actio/pfp-bins.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               331044  331044 100.0% -lh0- 1da9 Nov  4 19:50 Bomber_Instinct/Bomber_Instinct.exe
[generic]                17232   17232 100.0% -lh0- f894 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/logobi.gif
[generic]                  374     374 100.0% -lh0- a3ab Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/logolouis.gif
[generic]                  389     389 100.0% -lh0- cdcb Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/logomad.gif
[generic]                  433     433 100.0% -lh0- 8c0a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/logonils.gif
[generic]                  551     551 100.0% -lh0- dc18 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/logotera.gif
[generic]                 1045    1045 100.0% -lh0- 55b8 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/louis.gif
[generic]                 1164    1164 100.0% -lh0- e9b4 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/magus.gif
[generic]                 1229    1229 100.0% -lh0- 98e7 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/troll.gif
[generic]                 1872    4768  39.3% -lh5- 873e Nov  4 19:54 Bomber_Instinct/pfp-bins.nfo
[generic]                30582   32159  95.1% -lh5- 246e Nov  4 19:42 Bomber_Instinct/PFP.exe
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/COPYING
[generic]                 2219    4981  44.5% -lh5- 649f Jan 27  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/download.html
[generic]                 1902    4237  44.9% -lh5- ef00 Feb  1  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/download_en.html
[generic]                 7119   18336  38.8% -lh5- 41ef Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/GPL
[generic]                 7675   20690  37.1% -lh5- 6c52 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/gpl-fr.html
[generic]                 1063    1063 100.0% -lh0- 428b Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/barbare.gif
[generic]                  526     526 100.0% -lh0- bfd6 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/img/jauge.gif
[generic]                 2739    5696  48.1% -lh5- c23b Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/index.html
[generic]                  412     715  57.6% -lh5- 2211 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/index_en.html
[generic]                 3117    7078  44.0% -lh5- 4075 Feb  1  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/manuel.html
[generic]                 2529    5359  47.2% -lh5- bc06 Feb  1  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/partie2.html
[generic]                 1496    2925  51.1% -lh5- c466 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/README
[generic]                  631    2086  30.2% -lh5- 7da5 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/fatum.niv
[generic]                   91     150  60.7% -lh5- ebd5 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/grotte.g
[generic]                  592    2078  28.5% -lh5- e991 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/haha.niv
[generic]                  301    1577  19.1% -lh5- 39bc Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/menu.niv
[generic]                  668    2863  23.3% -lh5- abaf Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/mysteredesruinesanciennes.niv
[generic]                  661    2096  31.5% -lh5- e7ed Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/nils.niv
[generic]                  603    2083  28.9% -lh5- 5c5a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/shadow.niv
[generic]                  329     524  62.8% -lh5- 5c63 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/AUTHORS
[generic]                  137     183  74.9% -lh5- 3b22 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/docs/ChangeLog
[generic]                 8297    8297 100.0% -lh0- d934 Oct 29 23:49 Bomber_Instinct/
[generic]                  521    2028  25.7% -lh5- c6f4 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/cs.niv
[generic]                  599    2096  28.6% -lh5- af50 Jan 14  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/dyna.niv
[generic]                   93     156  59.6% -lh5- 3a92 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/electr.g
[generic]                  675    2082  32.4% -lh5- 52a3 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/laby.niv
[generic]                  440    1797  24.5% -lh5- a5a1 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/manon.niv
[generic]                  568    2068  27.5% -lh5- a414 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/nol.niv
[generic]                  748    2915  25.7% -lh5- 5ad5 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/nouv.niv
[generic]                  297    1443  20.6% -lh5- b36a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/options.niv
[generic]                  291    1805  16.1% -lh5- b503 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/tdm.niv
[generic]                  414    2026  20.4% -lh5- 396d Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/vide.niv
[generic]                  374    1571  23.8% -lh5- c9ba Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/choix.niv
[generic]                  643    2073  31.0% -lh5- 0928 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/dedale.niv
[generic]                  686    2141  32.0% -lh5- e477 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Niveaux/enfer.niv
[generic]                 1369   12331  11.1% -lh5- 04f2 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/court-circuit.spr
[generic]                  114    8201   1.4% -lh5- 0aa9 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/etoiles.spr
[generic]                 1173    9244  12.7% -lh5- cd07 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/faille.spr
[generic]                  184    4111   4.5% -lh5- 35a4 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/flechrouge.spr
[generic]                   53    1063   5.0% -lh5- 3924 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/intro.spr
[generic]                 4851   56372   8.6% -lh5- 52a2 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/maagus.spr
[generic]                   15    1030   1.5% -lh5- 3c72 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/murnul.spr
[generic]                  599    7196   8.3% -lh5- b0ff Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/4.spr
[generic]                  606    7196   8.4% -lh5- f749 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/5.spr
[generic]                  611    7196   8.5% -lh5- 6591 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/6.spr
[generic]                  607    7196   8.4% -lh5- 8f71 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/7.spr
[generic]                  608    7196   8.4% -lh5- d53e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/8.spr
[generic]                  871    9262   9.4% -lh5- 3483 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/condens.spr
[generic]                 1433   10259  14.0% -lh5- 0f45 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/fontaine.spr
[generic]                 3807   85025   4.5% -lh5- 811f Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/louis.spr
[generic]                  276    1036  26.6% -lh5- 629c Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/murlave.spr
[generic]                  202    1042  19.4% -lh5- 5582 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/TeraSoft2.spr
[generic]                  603    7196   8.4% -lh5- fe02 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/1.spr
[generic]                  604    7196   8.4% -lh5- 98fe Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/2.spr
[generic]                  611    7196   8.5% -lh5- 7c65 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/3.spr
[generic]                  836    7205  11.6% -lh5- 260e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/circuit.spr
[generic]                  325    4114   7.9% -lh5- c354 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/fleche.spr
[generic]                 1344   10264  13.1% -lh5- 9863 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/menu.spr
[generic]                  290   11274   2.6% -lh5- 1fa1 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/nived.spr
[generic]                 1436   10259  14.0% -lh5- 2b07 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/pschit.spr
[generic]                 3300   14413  22.9% -lh5- 335f Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/ruines.spr
[generic]                  831    9250   9.0% -lh5- 3d42 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/telgris.spr
[generic]                  766   10269   7.5% -lh5- ba1b Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/bonus.spr
[generic]                  458    2072  22.1% -lh5- 9a95 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/bouton.spr
[generic]                 2278    7211  31.6% -lh5- 0c60 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/caillou.spr
[generic]                 1597   10274  15.5% -lh5- a70a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/grotte.spr
[generic]                  317    6174   5.1% -lh5- 3d95 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/infos.spr
[generic]                 5554   61494   9.0% -lh5- 329e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/magus.spr
[generic]                   16    1030   1.6% -lh5- d8f1 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/miroirs.spr
[generic]                  555    4140  13.4% -lh5- dbf7 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/puce.spr
[generic]                 1138   11298  10.1% -lh5- d9aa Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/telrouge.spr
[generic]                  629   11288   5.6% -lh5- 9eb2 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/tunnel.spr
[generic]                57872   57872 100.0% -lh0- 07cb Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/ecrantit.wav
[generic]               174556  276720  63.1% -lh5- 6843 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/intro.s3m
[generic]                91794   95208  96.4% -lh5- 33de Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/pouv.wav
[generic]                 5256   42032  12.5% -lh5- 053c Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/barbare.spr
[generic]                 2411   42033   5.7% -lh5- d35f Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/bombe.spr
[generic]                 1432   22576   6.3% -lh5- 49f9 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/citrouille.spr
[generic]                 3323   29720  11.2% -lh5- 5c4e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/flammes.spr
[generic]                   24    3079   0.8% -lh5- 0bb0 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/rien.spr
[generic]                  198    1039  19.1% -lh5- 8d4c Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/TeraSoft1.spr
[generic]                 7376   58434  12.6% -lh5- 5699 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Sprites/troll.spr
[generic]                 8085   12334  65.6% -lh5- 46a3 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/boing.wav
[generic]                 1308    1334  98.1% -lh5- 5b3e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/bonus.wav
[generic]                 3718    5194  71.6% -lh5- 654e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/bouton.wav
[generic]                23102   42072  54.9% -lh5- cfd3 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/debut.wav
[generic]                52916   61104  86.6% -lh5- 959a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/expl.wav
[generic]                24244   44442  54.6% -lh5- bf9f Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/fontaine.wav
[generic]               197301  217708  90.6% -lh5- 1146 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/grosrire.wav
[generic]                16452   22352  73.6% -lh5- c6ef Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/rire.wav
[generic]                 4620    7587  60.9% -lh5- 1a6a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Bruitages/teleport.wav
[generic]                 2017    3914  51.5% -lh5- a13e Jul  3  2001 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/.xvpics/Options_en.bmp
[generic]                 2014    3914  51.5% -lh5- 6855 Jul  3  2001 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/.xvpics/Options_fr.bmp
[generic]                 7987   22654  35.3% -lh5- 5212 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Magus.bmp
[generic]                 3188   10838  29.4% -lh5- bc1e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/mode_0.bmp
[generic]                 3282   10838  30.3% -lh5- e6c9 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/mode_1.bmp
[generic]                 3623   10838  33.4% -lh5- 1d6c Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/mode_2.bmp
[generic]                70325  246214  28.6% -lh5- c280 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Options_en.bmp
[generic]                68883  246214  28.0% -lh5- face Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Options_fr.bmp
[generic]                 8209   20854  39.4% -lh5- 804f Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Troll.bmp
[generic]                  397    1066  37.2% -lh5- e661 Jan 26  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/bi-win.cfg
[generic]                  397    1066  37.2% -lh5- e661 Feb 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/bi.cfg
[generic]                 1295    5214  24.8% -lh5- 3f26 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Bande.bmp
[generic]                 6598   17254  38.2% -lh5- 615a Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Barbare.bmp
[generic]               104514  245934  42.5% -lh5- 9eb2 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Choix.bmp
[generic]                 2159   24266   8.9% -lh5- ec34 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/font.bmp
[generic]                  269     610  44.1% -lh5- 872b Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/icone.bmp
[generic]                89552  246414  36.3% -lh5- 384e Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Menu_en.bmp
[generic]                90725  246414  36.8% -lh5- c329 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Menu_fr.bmp
[generic]                 3213   31798  10.1% -lh5- 46ec Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/mode.bmp
[generic]               114120  307974  37.1% -lh5- ee23 Jan 13  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/Decors/Titre.bmp
[generic]                 6577    9518  69.1% -lh5- 1442 Oct 29 23:35
[generic]                   39      39 100.0% -lh0- d624 Nov  4 19:51 Bomber_Instinct/Bomber_Instinct
[generic]                 8293    8293 100.0% -lh0- 7c82 Oct 29 23:35 Bomber_Instinct/
[generic]                  380     970  39.2% -lh5- bfbf Jan 26  2002 Bomber_Instinct/data/bi-lin.cfg
[generic]                  179     504  35.5% -lh5- 800d Nov  4 19:45 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       127 files 1757475 3741149  47.0%            Jan  3 07:57
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