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Short:The First Worms Clone, and it's in Space
Author:Patrick Gerdsmeier
Uploader:mmartinka volny cz (Miloslav Martinka)
Requires:i386 AROS
Download:game/actio/ - View contents

HighMoon - Duel in Space.
Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Patrick Gerdsmeier <patrick()>

HighMoon is an Artillery/Worms like game - which takes place in
the Galaxy.

In that game two Spaceships must shoot at each other to destroy
the shields and the enemy. There are Planets, Blackholes and 
Wormholes between the opponents. Those objects which will deflect 
any player's shot.

If you collect Bonus, you can increase Shieldpower or you can
choose a Heavy and a Clusterlaser.

Try to kill the enemy - but be aware of the Shots coming back...

-v  --version     Display the Game's version.
-vi --videoinfo   Display the Videostatus of your Computer.
    --verbose     Start Game in verbose Mode.
-f  --fullscreen  Start Game in Fullscreen mode.
-h  --help        Show Help.

"1"      Player versus Computer.
"2"      Player versus Player.
"3"      Title with Demo (Computer versus Computer).
"UP"     Move Flying Saucer Up.
"DOWN"   Move Flying Saucer Down.
"LEFT"   Decrease Shootangle.
"RIGHT"  Increase Shootangle.
"RETURN" If you have collected some Extras, you
         can choose Shield-Up, a Heavy-Shot or a
"SPACE"  Activate a shot. The longer Spacekey is pressed,
         the stronger the power of the Shoot.
"TAB"    Changes the Galaxy.
"F1"     Toggles Helpscroller.
"F2"     Toggles Language.
"C"      Toggles the Computerstrength.
"F"      Toggles window/fullscreen mode. 
"S"      Toggles Sound. 

Read the INSTALL for compile and install instructions.

January 2005 - Patrick Gerdsmeier <patrick()>

Compiling for AROS, Miloslav Martinka.

Uploaded using:

Contents of game/actio/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/actio/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
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--------          -------  ---                            -------
 1936442           886288  54%                            53 files
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