84782 packages online
game/actio/OpenBOR_Final.lha |
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Short: | Beats of Rage - a Beat'em up |
Author: | Various, MorphOS port by Pawel Stefanski and Sergio Campillo |
Uploader: | Pawel \"Stefkos\" Stefanski <stefkos wp pl> |
Type: | game/actio |
Version: | v3 Build 2859 Release 4 |
Architecture: | ppc-morphos |
Date: | 2010-10-26 |
Replaces: | OpenBOR_Final.lha |
Download: | game/actio/OpenBOR_Final.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/actio/OpenBOR_Final.readme |
Downloads: | 2089 |
OpenBOR v3 Build 2859 Release 4
MorphOS version by Stefkos & _DaNi_
Adittional code by bWWd
Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made
by Senile Team (http://www.senileteam.com/beatsofrage.html) and inspired by
Sega and SNK game series. The term "moddable" means that the
program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-'em-up
game, which is then called a "mod".
OpenBOR is the open source continuations of Beats of Rage and provides
additional functionality not available in the original Beats of Rage game.
OpenBOR is maintained by the LavaLit (http://LavaLit.com/).
- MorphOS v1.4.x with Update Pack #1
- MorphOS v2.x
- PowerPC CPU
- 10 Mb RAM or above
- Compatible Graphics Card
- PowerSDL v14 or above
- game mods
- and free time ;)
- Amiga 1200/4000 PowerPC, Efika 5200b, Pegasos G3, Mac Mini G4, PowerMac G4
PowerBook G4, eMac G4.
Version log v3.0 build 2859 Release 1 (compiled 19-October-2010)
- Firt release, non public, internal.
Version log v3.0 build 2859 Release 2 (compiled 22-October-2010)
- Fix upscaled full screen mode (All Modes)
- Fix screen filters, except 2XSAI
- Fix 480x272 resolution
- Fix 320x240 resolution
- Fix .SPK from PSP Mods
- Fix .PAK Mods from home consoles
- Add Overlay Acceleration
- Joypad and keyboard supported
- 99,9% compatible with old and new mod´s
Version log v3.0 build 2859 Release 3 (compiled 23-October-2010
- Internal release, non public.
Version log v3.0 build 2859 Release 4 (compiled 26-October-2010)
- Fixed 100% cpu usage bug
- Fixed hangup at exit
- Add "blockback" feature by bWWd
- Add compatibility for all video files, like video43.txt
- Faster loading than previous versions
- 100% compatible with ALL mods
- Fixed 960x544 resolution 8bits/16bits
- Fixed 640x480 resolution 8bits/16bits
- Fixed load/save savegames
- Add 16bits for 320x240 mode
- Corrected upscaled for low resolutions
- Automatic video detection (psp, dreamcast, wii, etc)
- Fixed bug in window mode
- High performance for low-end machines
NOTES ABOUT Normal Mods (BOR) & New Mods (OpenBOR):
* New "big" mods need from 2 to 4 minutes aprox. for loading in
High-End Morphos machines. Normal mods only need seconds.
* EFIKA 5K2 new "big" mods need about 10 minutes+ for loading but
fully playable with screen filters enabled and screen upscaled.
Normal mods about 1 minutes to 3 minutes for loading.
High frame rate with screen filters and upscaled screen enabled.
* AMIGA Classic PPC with MorphOS 1.4.5 is very very slow loading
but is playable without screen filters and no upscaling.
Pawel Stefanski aka "Stefkos", email: stefkos@wp.pl
Sergio Campillo aka "_DaNi_", email: efika2k5@gmail.com
Thanks to bWWd (Krystian X) from lavalit.com for additional addon
in MorphOS version.
Thanks to SixK, Krashan and Yomgui
Thanks to betatesters: papiosaur, krome, fanny, proxtreme & galium.
Contents of game/actio/OpenBOR_Final.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[MS-DOS] 5877 5877 100.0% -lh0- 97ec Oct 25 13:13 openbor.info
[MS-DOS] 955 2144 44.5% -lh5- 09db Oct 22 02:53 openbor/license.txt
[MS-DOS] 15 15 100.0% -lh0- 7ed8 Oct 25 08:31 openbor/openbor_mos
[MS-DOS] 10629 10629 100.0% -lh0- 42f4 Oct 25 08:32 openbor/openbor_mos.info
[MS-DOS] 1090709 3485196 31.3% -lh5- 5efa Oct 25 13:37 openbor/openborv3
[MS-DOS] 126 248 50.8% -lh5- 9a14 Oct 25 13:39 openbor/saves/bor.cfg
[MS-DOS] 130 248 52.4% -lh5- 8896 Oct 25 13:39 openbor/saves/default.cfg
[MS-DOS] 126 248 50.8% -lh5- 9a14 Oct 25 13:39 openbor/saves/menu.cfg
[MS-DOS] 1526 3085 49.5% -lh5- 989f Oct 25 13:52 openbor/version_info.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 1110093 3507690 31.6% Oct 25 19:56
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