Programmed between 23rd Nov 2014 and Dec 19th 2014
Love Dungeon is in the Public Domain, do with it what you want, but please
keep this file with the executable.
Phew, its done and its less than 64K ;)
Writing games is exhausting, maybe im getting old, maybe im a little rusty,
but boy does it take a long time!
I wrote my first piece of 68k assembler, in over 20 years, on the
23rd November 2014 and the game is released less than a month later,
coded in 100% ASM, I've learned a lot in the last 4 weeks..
I hope you like it, please tell me about how you feel about the game on
EAB forums, search for LOVE DUNGEON.
Designed and Coded by Jay Aldred aka Jimmy2x2x
Contact me via EAB or email: jay.aldred@gmail.com
Original Tile and Sprite Graphics by Kagesan with additions by Jay Aldred
Sound Effects and Driver by Mike Clarke with additions by Jay Aldred
Many thanks for all members of the English Amiga Board (EAB)
For ongoing encouragement, help, advice and support.
Without you guys I would have never even thought about programming
on the Amiga again!
In particular:
Technical Support: PHX, STINGRAY, CHAOS
Playtesting: Lonewolf10, PHX
Making Videos: S2325
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!
LOVE DUNGEON is a spin off mini game project from my main project
Bruce Lee - a reimaging of the 1984 C64 (and other platforms) game
I wanted a smaller project to start with, the monster (YAMO) was
a late addition he wasnt going to be in this game at all!
Beat world records in any order to unlock the following:
1st record - unlocks sound test
2nd record - unlocks Monster Mode
3rd record - unlocks Hide and Seek + Heart Attack game modes
Reset all World Records to 0, select reset records TWICE!
(Shhhh, dont tell anyone!)
Toggle PARTY MODE (removes options and exit selections from main menu)
Hold down Left Mouse Button when starting a game, once to enable, once
more to disable.
The game runs in 320x200 16 color mode (4 bitplanes)
with some copper effects
It only uses a single copper list and a single frame buffer
no double buffering or back buffer of any kind is used.
This gives the game an old school arcade feel
which is what I was aiming for.
Bruce and Yamo are hardware sprites
The game maps and title screens/high score screens etc are all made
from 8x8 pixel tiles There are a selection of 256 tiles
map is 1 byte per character.
The hearts are stored as tiles in the map and are masked onto the screen
I mask with the tile to the right of the heart, this is why you wont see
hearts next to each other horizontally in game ;)
I was originally going to mirror the hardware sprites in realtime
but thats quite of a lot of processing, so I just mirror them all when the
game loads. A side effect of this is that I dont have the sprites
stored in the best possible way and use the blitter to copy the sprite
data to where I want it.
This is the only time the blitter is used in the game.
The font is from the C64 version of Bombjack
I wanted to include the following but didnt have the time
Load and Save progress
Record the input of a game in progress and play this back in the attract
mode for High Scores per level
Add more maps - Very time consuming to design decent levels
Write a little Cracktro for a laugh
Add proper music to various parts of the game
Make an Icon and allow the program to run from workbench properly, I just ran
out of time! (its almost Xmas you know ;)
** REMOVED ** Keyboard handler - could not get it stable on higher end Amigas
I will get it working, its just that im really pushed for time and wanted
V1.0 out before Xmas 2014, its only used for quiting the game, which you can
do with a second fire button on a joystick.
Amazing amiga emulator, maintained by Toni Willen
I dont own an amiga and rely totally on WINUAE
with updated version of VASM for all assembling
assemble, link and run in about a second.
editing the source code
editing bitmaps
creating the tile maps
Stripping Mappy Maps
made by Chaos from EAB, thanks man!
designing extra characters
like the love heart and delete character
PicCon v2.50
I use this for ripping all sprites and bitmaps used in the game
I have tried my best to make sure this game will run on all Amigas
real or emulated, Pal or NTSC
If you have any problems, let me know, I will see if I can fix it.
I have made an awful lot of changes in the last couple of days, but I dont
*THINK* I broke anything!
The official home is on the EAB forums, search for Love Dungeon
Cheers, Jay