HighGFX'n'more v1.0 - 20/09/2020
a package with additional screenmodes for the classic AmigaOS (V3.0+)
HighGFX up to 1024 x 768
(V40.6 - 09/09/2008)
HD720 up to 1280 x 720 (¹)
(V40.3 - 09/09/2008)
SuperPlus up to 800 x 600 (²)
(V40.5 - 26/01/2012)
Xtreme up to 1280 x 1024
(V40.5 - 24/04/2012)
¹ HD720, perfect screenmode for 16:9 displays
² SuperPlus, the first WB accelerator, offers more speed (AGA & ECS)
and more colors (ECS only) compared to the Super72 driver
- AmigaOS 3.0 or better
- ECS or AGA chipset
- display or flickerfixer that can handle the screenmode frequencies
how to:
copy your favorite screenmode(s) to
reboot the computer
this archiv can be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged
André 'Ratte' Pfeiffer
Hirschweg 11
33689 Bielefeld
Ratte / www.a1k.org