PNG is an international attempt to replace Compuserve's GIF file
format, which is being subject to Unisys' LZW patents, by a better
and patent-claim free graphics file format. Its development
is coordinated by some american software developers, and it's
the new dedicated WCO graphics standard for the WWW.
Of course no one can say "stop using GIF, now only PNG counts",
since there are still thousands of GIF images floating around on
CD-ROMs, some programs still cannot handle PNG, some people
simply don't want to replace GIF with PNG...
But if you want to support small software developers, like most
of the companies, shareware and freeware software developers on
the Amiga are, there is need to help them avoiding any unnecessary
difficulties - remember why you are prefering an alternative system
like the Amiga...
Included in this archive you find, besides some URLs and background
information, a list of Amiga software currently supporting PNG - perhaps
it is not complete, but it is just to show, that there's something
All mentioned trademarks are subject to their owners.