This is a selection of News I've dumped in the period between
January 1993 and November, 1994. The selection is very subjective;
I only saved things that interested me or were new for me.
Also, I can't guarantee the correctness in any of this. Much of the postings
are of the kind where one guy asks a question, another answers and everybody
else shouts: WRONG! Do like this instead...
Information on useage and 'hidden features' of
well-known Amiga applications. Practically empty.
Programming in Rexx on the Amiga, hints and help.
Not-too-often seen information on how to use
programming packages, mostly the SAS/C compiler and
DICE. Much on startup code and things like that.
A few useful hints on using SAS' debugger better.
Information concerning the hardware; problems with
hard disks; why floppies click, ...
Satire and involuntary comedy connected with the Amiga.
More or less accurate answers to questions on programming.
Discussion on shareable library bases, much BOOPSI talk,
some example source.
Things to do with the system software. Hardlinks vs.
softlinks, how to isolate system software from 3rd party
software, undocumented features, how to get true UNIX pipes
in the Shell...
Stories from the history of the Amiga, hidden ROM messages,
inside stories...
Witty or bizarre non-Amiga related postings
Articles mostly on algorithms and C programming style.
I hope I've not offended anyone by releasing their articles in this
somewhat more stable form. I'm following the general rule that
things released as Usenet news is redistributable unless otherwise
noticed. I've encountered one case where text actually wasn't
'freeware', and I deleted it (a programming tutorial by Udo "Kingfisher").
Jörgen Grahn