This distribution contains the following six empty ADF image files:
The top three are bootable and contains an example Startup-Sequence. Just by
looking at the file names, the difference between the disk images should be
pretty obvious, but here's an explenation anyway:
DD = Double Density disk (880 KB)
HD = High Density disk (1.76 MB)
FFS = FastFileSystem
OFS = OldFileSystem
Only the OFS disks can be used with Amigas with Kickstart 1.3 or lower. The
bootable one can be quite useful for making KS1.x compatible boot disks on a
OS2.x/3.x Amiga. This is because the standard Install command cannot write
a boot block that works with KS1.x.
I like to have some empty ADF files stored on my Amigas for various projects
that I'm working on, and I decided to share them in case somebody would find
the ADFs to be useful. Feel free to do whatever you like with these images.
For information about other stuff I have created, check out my websites at: