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DSG is a gui-tool for diskspeed. Many people are using the old diskspeed
and of course it is a real good programm. But it is very diffecult to
compare the output of two devices. But now there is DSG! It allows you
to read up to 5 output files from diskspeed in the memory. DSG displays
them and allows you to compare them on the screen.
This is the first version of DSG, made within 2 days. There is only a
german guidefile yet. Write me if you want me to continue my work on
DSG. The programm itself is in english. If you have any questions
about it, write to poseidon@newswire.gun.de
Listing of archive 'up:DSG1.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2868 744 74.0% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56 DSG.info
2868 746 73.9% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56 DSG/Data.info
6342 990 84.3% 11-Jun-95 22:13:40 DSG/Data/CP3100.2091
1740 1119 35.6% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02 DSG/Data/CP3100.2091.info
6340 1000 84.2% 11-Jun-95 16:21:06 DSG/Data/Q730L.2091
1740 1119 35.6% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02 DSG/Data/Q730L.2091.info
6339 967 84.7% 11-Jun-95 16:47:00 DSG/Data/ST125N.2091
1740 1118 35.7% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02 DSG/Data/ST125N.2091.info
2868 746 73.9% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56 DSG/DiskSpeed4.info
44672 44672 0.0% 17-Jan-95 01:51:02 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.lzh
1740 1118 35.7% 14-Jun-95 16:08:38 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.lzh.info
1792 786 56.1% 17-Jan-95 01:51:02 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.readme
1740 1117 35.8% 14-Jun-95 16:08:38 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.readme.info
20064 8311 58.5% 14-Jun-95 16:17:18 DSG/DSG
9687 3699 61.8% 14-Jun-95 15:49:54 DSG/DSG.guide
1864 1283 31.1% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56 DSG/DSG.guide.info
2871 904 68.5% 14-Jun-95 16:18:42 DSG/DSG.info
57451 19480 66.0% 07-May-95 13:22:04 DSG/libs/bgui.guide
104440 50112 52.0% 05-May-95 12:22:50 DSG/libs/bgui.library
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
279166 140031 49.8% 14-Jun-95 16:36:02 19 files
Contents of disk/misc/DSG1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 744 2868 25.9% -lh5- 7894 Jun 14 1995 DSG.info
[generic] 746 2868 26.0% -lh5- 4ec6 Jun 14 1995 DSG/Data.info
[generic] 990 6342 15.6% -lh5- 76c3 Jun 11 1995 DSG/Data/CP3100.2091
[generic] 1119 1740 64.3% -lh5- 5307 Jun 14 1995 DSG/Data/CP3100.2091.info
[generic] 1000 6340 15.8% -lh5- 63c1 Jun 11 1995 DSG/Data/Q730L.2091
[generic] 1119 1740 64.3% -lh5- b85d Jun 14 1995 DSG/Data/Q730L.2091.info
[generic] 967 6339 15.3% -lh5- 8b7d Jun 11 1995 DSG/Data/ST125N.2091
[generic] 1118 1740 64.3% -lh5- ed77 Jun 14 1995 DSG/Data/ST125N.2091.info
[generic] 746 2868 26.0% -lh5- 6953 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DiskSpeed4.info
[generic] 44672 44672 100.0% -lh0- 003b Jan 17 1995 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.lzh
[generic] 1118 1740 64.3% -lh5- 16cc Jun 14 1995 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.lzh.info
[generic] 786 1792 43.9% -lh5- cbe1 Jan 17 1995 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.readme
[generic] 1117 1740 64.2% -lh5- 4a36 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.readme.info
[generic] 8311 20064 41.4% -lh5- 147c Jun 14 1995 dsg/dsg
[generic] 3699 9687 38.2% -lh5- 8dd2 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DSG.guide
[generic] 1283 1864 68.8% -lh5- cd25 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DSG.guide.info
[generic] 904 2871 31.5% -lh5- aab5 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DSG.info
[generic] 19480 57451 33.9% -lh5- 7129 May 7 1995 DSG/libs/bgui.guide
[generic] 50112 104440 48.0% -lh5- c438 May 5 1995 DSG/libs/bgui.library
[generic] 891 2258 39.5% -lh5- 2456 Jun 14 1995 DSG/DSG1.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 140922 281424 50.1% Dec 24 1997
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