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Short:Part2 of How2UseGfxV39
Author: jschober at (Jürgen Schober)
Uploader:jschober campusart com (Jürgen Schober)
Download:dev/src/How2UseGfx-P2.lha - View contents

This archive contains some example material how scrolling
bitmaps could be handled. It is just an example how things 
could be done, because I am bretty sure, none of you will
use ScollLayers() in a SuperBitmap window for a real application.
But with a fast board (e.g. a PiccoloSD64) and a good driver
(e.g. EGSPlus :) it shows what could be done if the Amiga
would have the right chips.
This demo opens a 320x256 window on any screen (currently a
WB clone or the WB itself) with a 640x512 custom superbitmap
attached to it. The backdrop is a 256 color image (640x512)
which is scrolled thru the window. On top of it a green ball is
jumping around. Both images where created in 24 bit and color
reduced to 256 colors. The real colors are calculated on startup 
using a shared palette. It looks best when run on a 256 color
screen (but will reduce the colors if less). It should run on any
board (ECS/AGA too) but isn't really useable on native amiga chips...
I haven't tried CyberGraphics yet (but I should) but I think it
would run more smoothly on EGS systems (with EGSPlus) since
the SuperBitMap is held in boardmemory in this case which makes
the scrolling much better :)

It does no buffer blitting yet (e.g. double buffer, refresh buffer or such).
And it does not use an custom scrolling code, which would sure
help for slow boards...(e.g. a delta frame scrolling would be a lot
But maybe you find some things what would be intuitiv for your ideas.
So check it out ... and if you have a fast EGS board enjoy :)

PS.: I haven't either included the Backdground image nor the Image source
since this have about 1.2 MB...the object code should be ok if
you want to recompile it.
The colortableformat is a modified Amiga Colortable format
and looks like this:

struct Colors
    ULONG red,green,blue; // left justified 32 bits
} colors[256];

all other things should be clear from the source code. You should be
able to hook another image in ...

Jürgen Schober
Graz · Austria
e-mail: (private)   (business)

Contents of dev/src/How2UseGfx-P2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  638    1992  32.0% -lh5- c7f4 Nov 22  1996 How2UseGfxV39/BallMask.iff
[generic]                 1194    1752  68.2% -lh5- 4e24 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                 1295   13095   9.9% -lh5- d33c Nov 27  1996 How2UseGfxV39/BallMaske.h
[generic]                  283    4030   7.0% -lh5- 4e41 Nov 22  1996 How2UseGfxV39/BallMaske.h.bak
[generic]                 2030    4263  47.6% -lh5- 2d46 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  689    1392  49.5% -lh5- 6d16 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  282     328  86.0% -lh5- 43a8 Nov 22  1996 How2UseGfxV39/copyp2c.o
[generic]                 1711    2632  65.0% -lh5- a81a Nov 22  1996 How2UseGfxV39/Debug
[generic]                  775    1420  54.6% -lh5- b4f1 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  742    1436  51.7% -lh5- 2a29 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                 1342    4087  32.8% -lh5- b422 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/GreenBall.h
[generic]                 1321    4028  32.8% -lh5- dcb4 Nov 27  1996 How2UseGfxV39/GreenBall.h.bak
[generic]                 1573    4256  37.0% -lh5- a864 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                 1569    2088  75.1% -lh5- c707 Nov 22  1996 How2UseGfxV39/GreenBall8.iff
[generic]                 1198    1752  68.4% -lh5- 9529 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                 1914    4019  47.6% -lh5- 3210 Nov 25  1996 How2UseGfxV39/ReadMe
[generic]                  763    1154  66.1% -lh5- 4788 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                   81     113  71.7% -lh5- f059 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SCoptions
[generic]                 1748    3147  55.5% -lh5- 9e3b Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  115     204  56.4% -lh5- 5e2e Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/ScrollGround.o_rev.h
[generic]                  128     246  52.0% -lh5- e40b Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/ScrollGround.o_rev.i
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 6795 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/ScrollGround.o_rev.rev
[generic]                  423    1020  41.5% -lh5- acda Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/smakefile
[generic]                  996    1612  61.8% -lh5- 7bff Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  828    8431   9.8% -lh5- cb01 Nov 23  1996 How2UseGfxV39/Spectrum.h
[generic]                 1743    4255  41.0% -lh5- e7bd Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]               265232  349980  75.8% -lh5- aa8f Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SuperScroll
[generic]                 7768   32447  23.9% -lh5- 1b37 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SuperScroll.c
[generic]                 1886    4258  44.3% -lh5- 6cde Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  667    1007  66.2% -lh5- 3f67 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/
[generic]                  115     199  57.8% -lh5- 1eb2 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SuperScroll_rev.h
[generic]                  127     241  52.7% -lh5- c06f Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SuperScroll_rev.i
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- 9985 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfxV39/SuperScroll_rev.rev
[generic]                  785    1753  44.8% -lh5- b845 Nov 30  1996
[generic]                 1255    2348  53.4% -lh5- 7459 Nov 30  1996 How2UseGfx-P2.readme
[generic]                  761    1154  65.9% -lh5- 7ddb Nov 30  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        36 files  303982  466144  65.2%            Dec  3  1996
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