This archive contains the C source code to FloppyFlux version 1.2
Download this if you want to learn more about programming the following:
- Doing IO with trackdisk.device.
- Compressing data with xpkmaster.library.
- Building GUIs with gtlayout.library.
- Using AmigaOS style linked lists.
- Handling WB app messages.
- Creating a simple directory cache system.
- Creating WB AppIcons.
- Swapping your program's own stack, internally.
- Working with AmigaOS hooks.
- Using AmigaOS's public message ports to detect multiple copies of your
program in memory.
- Using AmigaDOS notification to track directory changes.
- Creating unique filenames for temp files.
- Handling messages from multiple message ports.
- Opening ASL requesters.
These are just some of the things that this C source code covers.
To compile it, you need the Amiga OS includes. They have not been included
due to copyright reasons. One file has not been included, which is the
"system.h" file. To emulate it, create a file under the same name and make
it include ALL of your Amiga OS includes.
FloppyFlux was compiled with DICE v3 using includes release 40.15.
If you use another compiler such as VBCC, STORM or SAS C, sorry, but
you'll have a lot of work to do, to get it to compile correctly.
Feal free to contact me about the sources via email.
The src/ directory contains the source code and the bin/ directory
contains the debug executable for FloppyFlux.
This source code is provided in the hope that it will be useful to those
people seeking to learn the C language or learn more about the internal
workings of the Amiga OS.
You may compile this source for your OWN PRIVATE USE ONLY. You must not
compile and distribute modified versions of this program. Even if your
intentions are good. Please contact the author (via email, see below)
if have noticed any bugs in the source.
If this source interests you, I'm available for freelance Amiga
programming work. Contact me via my email address below.
This source code and all related files are Copyright © 1999 Andrew Bell.
email: (Andrew Bell)