Well, I had to do it. I had a window of opportunity back in Dec. 98 in
which I could swing a new computer, and I did it. I fell subjec to the
Dark Side. As such, I'm no longer going to develop this game for the
Amiga. Sorry.
So, here is the source code to my Euchre! game. Perhaps some enterprising
programmer would like to pick up where I left off. If you do, drop me a
line and let me know you are working on it. I'd be happy to help decipher
code if needed. To be honest, it's not very clearly written. I started
learning about coding styles while this was being written, and some of
the later files may actually be fairly well written, but the earlier
stuff is a mess.
Here is the original ReadMe for the game:
Euchre version 1.0 for the Amiga. Based on the card game of the
same name. Features multiple playing styles. Each computer player
can be playing with a different style!
Also, this game is Y2K COMPLIANT!