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Short:Tcsh shell (full source)
Uploader:richard rswheeldon com
Requires:Geekgadgets environment, lots of stack
Download:dev/gg/tcsh-6.12.00-s.lha - View contents

This is tcsh version 6.12.  Tcsh is a version of the Berkeley
C-Shell, with the addition of: a command line editor, command and file
name completion, listing, etc. and a bunch of small additions to the
shell itself.

Tcsh has been ported to most unix variants, and can be tinkered to work
in unix systems that it has not ported yet. See the Ported file for
a more complete list of ported systems and in the config directory for
a configuration file that matches your system.
Tcsh also runs under VMS/POSIX and OS/2+emx; the OS/2 port is not
complete yet.

Feel free to use it.  These changes to csh may only be included in a
commercial product if the inclusion or exclusion does not change the
purchase price, level of support, etc.  Please respect the individual
authors by giving credit where credit is due (in other words, don't
claim that you wrote portions that you haven't, and don't delete the
names of the authors from the source code or documentation).  

To install tcsh:

0)  Try running "configure".  If that works, goto step 6.
    If you are using imake, try xmkmf and goto step 3.
    If imake does not work, copy Makefile.std to Makefile.

1)  Look at the Makefile and make sure that you are using the right
    compilation flags.

2)  Copy the appropriate for your machine and OS config file from the
    config subdirectory into config.h.  Consult the file "Ported" for
    settings known to work on various machines.  If you are trying to
    compile tcsh on a machine for which there is no config file yet,
    you will need to create a config file using as a template one of
    the supplied ones.  If you get tcsh working on a new machine, I'd
    appreciate a copy of the config file plus additional information
    about the architecture/OS.  If you are creating a new config file,
    look very hard at BSDJOBS, BSDSIGS, and BSDTIMES if you are running
    a non-BSD machine.  For vanila SysV, these would all be #undef-ed,
    but others may vary (such as A/UX or HPUX).  On a pyramid, compile
    in the UCB universe even if you are running under the ATT universe
    usually; it will work anyway, and you get job control for free.

3)  Look at config_f.h, and enable or disable any features you want.
    It is configured the way I like it, but you may disagree.
    If you do not have NLS, then locale.h will not be found. Undefine it
    and things should work ok. On the other hand, if you have NLS you
    might as well use it...

4)  Look at host.defs to make sure that you have the right defines to set
    the environment variables "HOSTTYPE", "MACHTYPE", "OSTYPE" and 
    "VENDOR" correctly.  If you need to make changes, PLEASE SEND THEM 

5)  You may want to adjust the TCSH_BINDIR and TCSH_MANDIR entries in
    the Makefile.  These are the directories that tcsh, and the tcsh.1
    man entry will be placed in when you do a "make install" and "make" respectively.  If you decide to install tcsh somewhere
    other than in /usr/local/bin/tcsh, you should #define _PATH_TCSHELL
    "/your/installation/directory/tcsh" in pathnames.h.

6)  If you've changed any of the configuration variables you may need
    to re-run configure.

7)  make

8)  Read the documentation while you are waiting.  The file
    is in standard [nt]roff -man format. If you like, you can run the
    tcsh.man2html script (requires Perl) to generate an HTML version of
    the manpage which you can read with Mosaic, lynx or other HTML browser.

9)  Test tcsh by typing ./tcsh to see that it has compiled correctly.
    The history command should give a time stamp on every entry.
    Typing normal characters should echo each exactly once.  Control-A
    should put the cursor at the beginning of the input line, but after
    the prompt.  Typing characters after that should insert them into
    the line.  If you have job control make sure that stopping and
    restarting jobs works. Make sure you can ^C in the middle of the
    input line.  Also make sure that pipelines work correctly and there
    are no races. Try 'echo | cat | cat | cat | cat | more' a couple of
    times. If you have job control, try this command in the background
    and bring it in the foreground when it stops for tty output.  Also
    make sure that the ioctl() modes are preserved.  Get into vi, enter
    and exit input mode and suspend it, background it and foreground it
    again. After all that, lastly make sure that the tty process group
    manipulation is happening correctly. Try ftp to some host. If your
    passwd appears on the screen, you have lost /dev/tty. Otherwise
    everything is fine.

10)  Once satisfied that tcsh is working correctly, complete the installation
    by typing "make install" to install the binary, and "make" to
    install the documentation. Don't forget to look at complete.tcsh for
    useful completions...

11) Enjoy.

12) PLEASE send any bug reports (and fixes), code for new features,
    comments, questions, etc. (even flames) to:

	The tcsh mailing list



On sysv versions < 3.0 (not hpux) Doug Gwyn's public domain directory 
manipulation library has to be installed. This library is available
for anonymous ftp from
If the network is not installed, then there is a gethostname()
routine is tc.os.c, enabled by defining NEEDgethostname


On BSDreno, in ttyname() closedir() is called twice and so the same
pointer gets free'd twice. tcsh's malloc is picky and it prints an
error message to that effect. If you don't like the message:

1. Apply the following patch:

*** /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/ttyname.c.orig	Fri Jun  1 17:17:15 1990
--- /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/ttyname.c	Tue Oct 29 16:33:12 1991
*** 51,57 ****
  		if (stat(buf, &sb2) < 0 || sb1.st_dev != sb2.st_dev ||
  		    sb1.st_ino != sb2.st_ino)
- 		closedir(dp);
  		rval = buf;
--- 51,56 ----

Or: Comment the error printing out in tc.alloc.c


From: Scott Krotz <>

Tcsh has been ported to minix by  Scott Krotz (
Unfortunately the minix sed is broken, so you'll have to find a way to
make tc.const.h, sh.err.h, ed.defns.h which are automatically generated.
The easiest way to create them is to make a copy from unix, copying 
minix to config.h, and then 'make sh.err.h tc.const.h ed.defns.h'

The OS/dependent files are in mi.termios.h, mi.wait.h, mi.varargs.h

You will get some warnings, but dont worry about them, just ignore
them.  After tcsh has compiled and the gcc binary is converted to a
minix binary, remember to chmem it to give it more memory - it will
need it!  How much you need depends on how many aliases you have, etc..
Add at least 50000 to it.

One last thing.  You might have to make some links for include files so
that they are in the directories that tcsh is expecting while compiling.
I forget if I had to do this or not, but it should be fairly easy to sort
out.  If it cant find any include files this is probably the reason.

If you have any problems, please tell me.  I can be contacted through
e-mail at:

I also read comp.os.minix on a regular basis, so a note there will get
my attention also.

Have fun!

ps.  The termios functions are provided by Magnus Doell and Bruce Evans.
     Thanks, guys!

From: Bob Byrnes <>

This is for minix 1.5 (straight out of the box from P-H) plus the i386
patches from Bruce Evans.

I cross-compiled on a Sun using gcc 2.1 with a target of i386-bsd
(using the minix include files instead of the bsd versions), and then
linked the resulting object files with similarly compiled crtso.o and
libc.a on vax (little endian) using a hacked version of ld which I put
together to generate minix executables instead of bsd a.out format.
What a kludge ...

I compiled with -O2 -Wall ...  So far I haven't noticed any problems
with the optimizer.

In case anyone is contemplating compiling tcsh with bcc (Bruce Evan's
i386 compiler that comes with the minix386 upgrade package), don't bother.
It is some serious bugs that kill tcsh when compiled for 16-bit characters.
I can provide more details of bugs that I noticed for brave souls who want
to try, but it would be hard (and why bother if you can get gcc?).

I can make the binary available to anyone who wants it (for example people
who can't get access to a cross-compiling environment, and who don't yet
have gcc running under minix).


If your compiler cannot handle long symbol names, add 

#include "snames.h" 

to your config.h file

	     -- Christos Zoulas

Contents of dev/gg/tcsh-6.12.00-s.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6720   17789  37.8% -lh5- c2b5 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/BUGS
[generic]                15051   44480  33.8% -lh5- 0770 Jul  7  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/complete.tcsh
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar  7  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/config.cache
[generic]                12875   39670  32.5% -lh5- 85f3 Jul 12  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/config.guess
[generic]                 1549    3463  44.7% -lh5- e397 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/config.h
[generic]                   67      78  85.9% -lh5- 068a May 11  1999 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 2715    9759  27.8% -lh5- 5e8f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/config.log
[generic]                 7906   24999  31.6% -lh5- 25fc Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/config.status
[generic]                 9208   29483  31.2% -lh5- e51d Jul 12  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/config.sub
[generic]                30219  123811  24.4% -lh5- dc07 Mar  7  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/configure
[generic]                 2707    7241  37.4% -lh5- 115a Mar  7  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 2684    7171  37.4% -lh5- 834c Jul  2  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/!
[generic]                31193  123092  25.3% -lh5- 49fb Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/configure.lineno
[generic]                 2468    5266  46.9% -lh5- a531 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/config_f.h
[generic]                 8783   29848  29.4% -lh5- e88c Aug 16  1999 tcsh-6.12.00/csh-mode.el
[generic]                20902   78472  26.6% -lh5- 3539 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.chared.c
[generic]                33631   78547  42.8% -lh5- 31c1 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.chared.o
[generic]                 2641   10375  25.5% -lh5- 9838 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.decls.h
[generic]                10973   51816  21.2% -lh5- b2c4 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.defns.c
[generic]                 1007    3025  33.3% -lh5- beb6 Mar  7  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.defns.h
[generic]                15261   38893  39.2% -lh5- 654f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.defns.o
[generic]                 3397    8168  41.6% -lh5- 6a97 Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.h
[generic]                 6527   21423  30.5% -lh5- da07 Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.init.c
[generic]                 9927   22929  43.3% -lh5- 1d75 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.init.o
[generic]                 7249   22589  32.1% -lh5- aba6 Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.inputl.c
[generic]                13234   29666  44.6% -lh5- 16fe Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.inputl.o
[generic]                10154   33008  30.8% -lh5- d04e Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.refresh.c
[generic]                11486   25058  45.8% -lh5- 106a Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.refresh.o
[generic]                12413   42073  29.5% -lh5- fc89 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.screen.c
[generic]                20865   46853  44.5% -lh5- 0b01 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.screen.o
[generic]                 7542   27332  27.6% -lh5- f99b Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.term.c
[generic]                 3495   11896  29.4% -lh5- ebd9 Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.term.h
[generic]                 8374   19089  43.9% -lh5- 1002 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.term.o
[generic]                 6247   19190  32.6% -lh5- 33a7 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.xmap.c
[generic]                10764   23473  45.9% -lh5- 3bfe Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ed.xmap.o
[generic]                 1969    4474  44.0% -lh5- bb9f Sep 12  1991 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 4227   10917  38.7% -lh5- 0ff6 Apr 28  2001 tcsh-6.12.00/FAQ
[generic]                31647   70174  45.1% -lh5- bb6b Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/Fixes
[generic]                11094   23908  46.4% -lh5- 7eb1 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/gethost
[generic]                 2749    7783  35.3% -lh5- a135 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/gethost.c
[generic]                 4600   11407  40.3% -lh5- 0995 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/glob.3
[generic]                 6322   17885  35.3% -lh5- 574a Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/glob.c
[generic]                 1886    4109  45.9% -lh5- 2f58 Jul  2  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/glob.h
[generic]                 9340   20535  45.5% -lh5- c854 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/glob.o
[generic]                 6689   28375  23.6% -lh5- ca92 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/host.defs
[generic]                  892    2113  42.2% -lh5- 3210 Mar  5  1995 tcsh-6.12.00/imake.config
[generic]                 4384   13762  31.9% -lh5- e343 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/Imakefile
[generic]                 2233    5598  39.9% -lh5- a21f May 11  1999 tcsh-6.12.00/install-sh
[generic]                 4146   14807  28.0% -lh5- dfd5 Apr 26  1996 tcsh-6.12.00/ma.setp.c
[generic]                 4522   11107  40.7% -lh5- 580f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/ma.setp.o
[generic]                  445     986  45.1% -lh5- e63d Jul  4  1991 tcsh-6.12.00/MAKEDIFFS
[generic]                 6899   20646  33.4% -lh5- 1288 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/Makefile
[generic]                  273     362  75.4% -lh5- 7fdd Apr 28  2001 tcsh-6.12.00/Makefile.ADMIN
[generic]                 6923   20680  33.5% -lh5- 6db1 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 6772   20166  33.6% -lh5- c740 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/Makefile.std
[generic]                 6345   18953  33.5% -lh5- 9429 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/Makefile.vms
[generic]                 1015    2182  46.5% -lh5- 0dcf May  9  1992 tcsh-6.12.00/MAKESHAR
[generic]                 3656   11258  32.5% -lh5- af17 Jul  4  2000 tcsh-6.12.00/mi.termios.c
[generic]                 4525   11110  40.7% -lh5- 776f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/mi.termios.o
[generic]                  233     389  59.9% -lh5- 1f11 Apr 26  1996 tcsh-6.12.00/mi.varargs.h
[generic]                  652    1444  45.2% -lh5- b0ee May 15  1992 tcsh-6.12.00/mi.wait.h
[generic]                 2998    6518  46.0% -lh5- 93ab Oct  2  1998 tcsh-6.12.00/NewThings
[generic]                  198     300  66.0% -lh5- b1ca Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/patchlevel.h
[generic]                 1661    5150  32.3% -lh5- 99f0 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/pathnames.h
[generic]                 7166   24042  29.8% -lh5- cf53 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/Ported
[generic]                 4116    9000  45.7% -lh5- 6777 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/README
[generic]                  278     462  60.2% -lh5- 92ca Mar  5  1995 tcsh-6.12.00/README.imake
[generic]                  587    1056  55.6% -lh5- 0a53 Apr 28  2001 tcsh-6.12.00/RELEASE-PROCEDURE
[generic]                23213   62128  37.4% -lh5- ea20 Jul  5  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.c
[generic]                10045   48436  20.7% -lh5- eff0 Jul  1  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.char.c
[generic]                 2999   10825  27.7% -lh5- f008 Jul  1  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.char.h
[generic]                 4653   11673  39.9% -lh5- d889 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.char.o
[generic]                 3078   13322  23.1% -lh5- eeb1 May 16  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.decls.h
[generic]                10208   33336  30.6% -lh5- ebfb Jul  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.dir.c
[generic]                 1239    2431  51.0% -lh5- 294c Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.dir.h
[generic]                16224   36513  44.4% -lh5- 4d70 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.dir.o
[generic]                 8805   25579  34.4% -lh5- 933f Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.dol.c
[generic]                14239   30759  46.3% -lh5- 50f3 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.dol.o
[generic]                 6412   17981  35.7% -lh5- fd8f Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.err.c
[generic]                 1066    3328  32.0% -lh5- 05d2 Mar  7  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.err.h
[generic]                 9509   21852  43.5% -lh5- 4ce3 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.err.o
[generic]                 9882   29176  33.9% -lh5- 145a Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.exec.c
[generic]                14000   30774  45.5% -lh5- 6bed Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.exec.o
[generic]                 6761   22749  29.7% -lh5- 6d7f Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.exp.c
[generic]                12734   28335  44.9% -lh5- a48d Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.exp.o
[generic]                 7050   20770  33.9% -lh5- d3b2 Jul  1  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.file.c
[generic]                11419   24978  45.7% -lh5- ecec Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.file.o
[generic]                15658   51024  30.7% -lh5- 647d Jul  9  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.func.c
[generic]                24633   54991  44.8% -lh5- c68f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.func.o
[generic]                 8349   23643  35.3% -lh5- c4ed Jul  4  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.glob.c
[generic]                15102   32422  46.6% -lh5- 0632 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.glob.o
[generic]                13223   36378  36.3% -lh5- 4826 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.h
[generic]                 4231   10908  38.8% -lh5- 94da Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.hist.c
[generic]                 9445   20956  45.1% -lh5- e151 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.hist.o
[generic]                 7116   27944  25.5% -lh5- e57c Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.init.c
[generic]                 8414   20384  41.3% -lh5- d782 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.init.o
[generic]                12208   37529  32.5% -lh5- 50e7 Jul  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.lex.c
[generic]                21345   46570  45.8% -lh5- 6049 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.lex.o
[generic]                 3397    8973  37.9% -lh5- df4c Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.misc.c
[generic]                 8072   18538  43.5% -lh5- cef5 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.misc.o
[generic]                25378   58704  43.2% -lh5- 35d9 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.o
[generic]                 3638   13913  26.1% -lh5- 9288 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.parse.c
[generic]                 9950   22343  44.5% -lh5- 3453 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.parse.o
[generic]                 2552    5951  42.9% -lh5- aae1 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.print.c
[generic]                 6979   16114  43.3% -lh5- 28d0 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.print.o
[generic]                17162   54623  31.4% -lh5- 7180 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.proc.c
[generic]                 2363    5439  43.4% -lh5- 3af3 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.proc.h
[generic]                18590   40890  45.5% -lh5- 279a Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.proc.o
[generic]                 8426   25104  33.6% -lh5- f2d1 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.sem.c
[generic]                12353   27728  44.6% -lh5- 7e33 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.sem.o
[generic]                 8709   27082  32.2% -lh5- 22f2 Jul  1  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.set.c
[generic]                15721   35174  44.7% -lh5- 3833 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.set.o
[generic]                 5417   18255  29.7% -lh5- 9bdd Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.time.c
[generic]                 7267   16273  44.7% -lh5- 007c Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.time.o
[generic]                 3654   12091  30.2% -lh5- 1913 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/sh.types.h
[generic]                  822    2787  29.5% -lh5- 28fe Apr 26  1996 tcsh-6.12.00/snames.h
[generic]                 1376    2957  46.5% -lh5- b2ad Oct  5  1992 tcsh-6.12.00/src.desc
[generic]                 5934   16523  35.9% -lh5- 29e3 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.alloc.c
[generic]                 5530   13259  41.7% -lh5- 0b65 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.alloc.o
[generic]                 7209   23451  30.7% -lh5- 5c53 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.bind.c
[generic]                 9581   21376  44.8% -lh5- 1d93 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.bind.o
[generic]                 5249   21985  23.9% -lh5- 03f2 Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.const.c
[generic]                 1190    6321  18.8% -lh5- a90d Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.const.h
[generic]                11185   29672  37.7% -lh5- 9ef1 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.const.o
[generic]                 3011   10694  28.2% -lh5- caa8 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.decls.h
[generic]                 7039   53011  13.3% -lh5- 5372 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.defs.c
[generic]                 4807   11624  41.4% -lh5- 5f92 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.defs.o
[generic]                 1953    5325  36.7% -lh5- c6d9 Jul  6  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.disc.c
[generic]                 4883   11873  41.1% -lh5- c7b8 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.disc.o
[generic]                17873   52678  33.9% -lh5- 6cb2 Jul 12  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.func.c
[generic]                20770   45888  45.3% -lh5- 82c6 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.func.o
[generic]                 1030    2007  51.3% -lh5- 6275 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.h
[generic]                11037   33955  32.5% -lh5- 2c7f Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.os.c
[generic]                 6710   20675  32.5% -lh5- 64bc May 16  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.os.h
[generic]                 5631   13262  42.5% -lh5- ecb4 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.os.o
[generic]                 3088    9628  32.1% -lh5- 8d92 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.printf.c
[generic]                 7330   16858  43.5% -lh5- 098b Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.printf.o
[generic]                 5293   16327  32.4% -lh5- f6b6 Jul 12  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.prompt.c
[generic]                11057   24005  46.1% -lh5- 3f99 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.prompt.o
[generic]                 3147    7484  42.0% -lh5- 75ce Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.sched.c
[generic]                 7606   17118  44.4% -lh5- 6019 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.sched.o
[generic]                 3192    8868  36.0% -lh5- 02af Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.sig.c
[generic]                 2725    7487  36.4% -lh5- de7a Jul 12  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.sig.h
[generic]                 4629   11338  40.8% -lh5- a23f Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.sig.o
[generic]                 2447    8771  27.9% -lh5- 52c8 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.str.c
[generic]                 7791   18635  41.8% -lh5- 82b6 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.str.o
[generic]                 1835    4395  41.8% -lh5- da5b May 16  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.vers.c
[generic]                 5415   12875  42.1% -lh5- 4312 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.vers.o
[generic]                 1888    4776  39.5% -lh5- 2d49 May 30  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.wait.h
[generic]                 5457   16920  32.3% -lh5- 54f0 Jul  1  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.who.c
[generic]                 8522   18893  45.1% -lh5- ed29 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tc.who.o
[generic]               616562 1321952  46.6% -lh5- 2578 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tcsh
[generic]                69151  195244  35.4% -lh5- 5059 Jul 23  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 8286   22541  36.8% -lh5- 7f66 Apr 28  2001 tcsh-6.12.00/tcsh.man2html
[generic]                  578    1628  35.5% -lh5- 1bc2 Oct 27  1992 tcsh-6.12.00/termcap.vms
[generic]                 3408    9012  37.8% -lh5- 3d94 Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.color.c
[generic]                 8516   18977  44.9% -lh5- f2a0 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.color.o
[generic]                 4933   14131  34.9% -lh5- b558 Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.comp.c
[generic]                 9937   21663  45.9% -lh5- f3e8 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.comp.o
[generic]                 1550    4862  31.9% -lh5- b456 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.decls.h
[generic]                 1625    3418  47.5% -lh5- 63fe Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.h
[generic]                 2763    6053  45.6% -lh5- 6430 Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 6434   14817  43.4% -lh5- 8c73 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/
[generic]                 6574   23681  27.8% -lh5- 93c9 Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.init.c
[generic]                13080   31043  42.1% -lh5- 3729 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.init.o
[generic]                18213   55926  32.6% -lh5- db88 Jun 25  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.parse.c
[generic]                23331   50067  46.6% -lh5- 2bed Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.parse.o
[generic]                 2472    5205  47.5% -lh5- fa8b Mar  8  2002 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.spell.c
[generic]                 6169   14039  43.9% -lh5- ab02 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/tw.spell.o
[generic]                 2747    7232  38.0% -lh5- 83f9 Jun 10  2000 tcsh-6.12.00/vms.termcap.c
[generic]                 4525   11107  40.7% -lh5- f852 Mar  8  2004 tcsh-6.12.00/vms.termcap.o
[generic]                  786    2247  35.0% -lh5- 2e07 Apr 28  2001 tcsh-6.12.00/WishList
[generic]                  342     555  61.6% -lh5- 0cce Aug 13  1999 tcsh-6.12.00/Y2K
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 Total       173 files 2000788 5165673  38.7%            Mar 23  2004
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