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Short:Audio Function Generator, (
Author: wisecracker.bazza at (Barry Walker)
Uploader:Barry Walker
Download:dev/gg/ - View contents

Distribution: AMINET; licence GPLv3.


Architectures: Classic AMIGAs, FS-UAE, OSX 10.15.7, Linux Mint 21.3.

  MINIMUM Requirements Are:-

  1) Amiga environment:-
       Stock AMIGA 1200 with HDD and 4MB FastRAM.
         (!!! RECOMMENDED !!! -> 68030-FPU and at least 8MB FastRAM.
         It will run much faster and better however with more FastRAM,
         serious expansion cards, etc...).
       FS-UAE on OSX 10.15.x, AND, Linux Mint 20.3/21.1.
       Standard AMIGA OS_3.0.x install or better.
  2) Apple OSX 10.15.x using the default terminal and shell ONLY.
  3) Linux Mint 20.3 using the default terminal and shell ONLY.
  4) It has NOT been tested on WinUAE, CygWin, Android, and WSL but it might
     just work.
     (AFAIK, Android and CygWin supposedly have 'paplay'.)



  Version 0.95.00: Commented out a few players and also commented out and
                   added a basic FFMPEG, 'ffplay' for just about any current
                   platform and '/dev/dsp' for OSS, Open Sound System[s]
                   for other older platforms.
                   Three players are not commented out ready to start on
                   platforms, Play16 an AMIGA requirements above; ALSA on
                   Linux Mint 20.3 and 21.3; afplay on APPLE OS X to 10.15.7
                   at least, (I have no idea if this works on Apple silicon).
                   Added some photos for the same three OSes.
                   Corrected some typos in the Manual...
  Version 0.90.00: A taster upload to see if anyone is interested...
                   (235 total).


  Other minimum requirements depending on what you decide to use:-

  Play16, two versions the lower one includes a 68000 version,
  and also supports AHI if need be...
  ADE, the *NIX _emulator_...
  ...and its dependency... other dependencies are needed.

  Other OSes, (for example, OSX 10.15.x and GNU/Linux flavours), ONLY
  require the shell script itself inside your '${HOME}' directory for full
  usage. It has to be executable so use 'chmod 755' to execute it,
  and run it in the usual manner from your '${HOME}' directory:-
    Your_prompt$ ./
  Then follow any on screen prompts.



  (Apologies for any typos, etc...)
  This is an Audio Function Generator that creates, SINE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE,
  It uses any 'default' command line audio players, and, was primarily
  designed for the minimum of the AMIGA requirements that will play '.WAV'
  files within the limits of the AMIGA, see the manual.

  !!! IMPORTANT !!!
  The waveforms are NOT _pure_ but good enough for home use, especially for
  a real classic AMIGA A1200(HD) with 4MB fastRam. Under enulation this may
  be different so be aware.
  I have no idea what the other platforms wave shape accuracies will be
  like as every platform and hardware is different in some way, but again
  these waveforms will be good enough for amateur usage.

  The AMIGA has no default player but I chose 'Play16' as it works well
  enough for this application.
  ONLY 8 bit Unsigned Integer, Mono, at various Sample Rates, '.WAV' files
  are created _on_the_fly_ in this archive.

  !IMPORTANT! ONLY the ASCII characters, SPACE to TILDE, are used to create
  the waveforms giving 95 possible _values_, so you only need a text editor
  to create your own waveforms.

  Other OSes have 'afplay' for OSX 10.15.x, 'aplay' for ALSA, and 'paplay'
  for PulseAudio. If you have none of these then there is 'music123' for
  a multitude of GNU/Linux flavours to do the same job, it is already in the
  script but commented out unless you need it, just uncomment the section
  save and re-run the script.





    The Legal Stuff:-

    This archive is GPLv3 licenced.

    The authors are not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
    failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of this code.

    There is NO warranty with the use of this software release and


    Testing Evaluation:-

    FS-UAE and Classic AMIGA test conditions were/are running standard
    OS 3.0.x, 4MB FastRAM and using standard ~topaz 8~ fonts throughout.
    A stock AMIGA A1200(HD) can be a little jerky hence the addition of
    FastRAM. It will run much faster and better however with more FastRAM
    and serious expansion cards.

    I have no idea what strange configuration setups will create so refer
    to the ~The Legal Stuff~ above.


    Barry Walker, G0LCU.


    A very useful HardWare related site, (C) Anthony Hoffman, for
    modifications, schematics, repairs and the like is:-



Contents of dev/gg/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//dev/gg/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2025-01-12 21:50 00000000  AFG/
   33478  Defl:N     9668  71% 2025-01-12 21:26 87f789bd
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  524288  Defl:N     1145 100% 2025-01-12 21:45 65a82603  AFG/16/SQUARE
  524288  Defl:N     1161 100% 2025-01-12 21:45 04f040ff  AFG/16/TRIANGLE
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  524288  Defl:N      635 100% 2025-01-12 21:45 3559c1c8  AFG/4/SQUARE
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       0  Stored        0   0% 2025-01-12 21:45 00000000  AFG/64/
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  524288  Defl:N     1717 100% 2025-01-12 21:45 d5a265bf  AFG/64/TRIANGLE
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       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-04-12 16:52 00000000  AFG/Pics/AMIGA_OS3.0x/
   95868  Defl:N    79364  17% 2023-04-12 16:13 9704e465  AFG/Pics/AMIGA_OS3.0x/AFG_Ctrl-C.png
  110075  Defl:N    94444  14% 2023-04-12 16:13 19294ded  AFG/Pics/AMIGA_OS3.0x/AFG_Quit.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-04-12 16:51 00000000  AFG/Pics/APPLE_OSX_10.15.x/
  103639  Defl:N    98058   5% 2023-04-12 16:02 9f4a9120  AFG/Pics/APPLE_OSX_10.15.x/AFG_Ctrl-C.png
   84043  Defl:N    75630  10% 2023-04-12 16:01 8fc71858  AFG/Pics/APPLE_OSX_10.15.x/AFG_Initialise.png
  112368  Defl:N   108002   4% 2023-04-12 16:06 23cd83f8  AFG/Pics/APPLE_OSX_10.15.x/AFG_Quit.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-04-12 11:20 00000000  AFG/Pics/Linux_Mint_20.3/
   51834  Defl:N    47683   8% 2023-04-12 08:42 aa1259fb  AFG/Pics/Linux_Mint_20.3/AFG_Ctrl-C.png
   32756  Defl:N    30137   8% 2023-04-12 08:40 183edb8d  AFG/Pics/Linux_Mint_20.3/AFG_Initialise.png
   62712  Defl:N    58491   7% 2023-04-12 08:43 58c88836  AFG/Pics/Linux_Mint_20.3/AFG_Quit.png
  524332  Defl:N     1747 100% 2025-01-12 21:46 515dda2b  AFG/WAVEFORM.wav
--------          -------  ---                            -------
12279354           645354  95%                            42 files
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