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Short: | read thousands of CLI args from Blitz |
Author: | lombi iprimus.com.au (Lorence Lombardo) |
Uploader: | lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) |
Type: | dev/blitz |
Version: | 4-Nov-10 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2010-11-05 |
Download: | dev/blitz/cli_args.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/blitz/cli_args.readme |
Downloads: | 1319 |
Unlike other CLI parameter/argument routines this one is able to read
thousands without crashing.
I think the reason why other parameter/argument routines crash is because
they are reading the entire argument string into a single string which
exceeds the allocated string buffer.
This parameter routine is different. It does not store the entire argument
string. It only stores the individual parameters. The entire argument
string is read at 1 byte at time from a pointer provided by the OS.
"cli_args.exe" is able to read thousands of CLI parameters even tho it has
only been compiled with a humble "String Buffer Size" of 2048 bytes.
I conducted the following experiment with "cli_args.exe" and a program
called "f-req.lha" from the aminet:-
I ran "cli_args.exe" from CLI as follows:-
cli_args.exe >ram:test.txt `f-req multiselect`
I then selected all of the 3019 files in my YAM/incoming directory.
The file "ram:test.txt" was 137772 bytes.
As you can see this by far exceeds my "String Buffer Size" of 2048 bytes.
Had I have stored the entire argument string into a single string
"cli_args.exe" would have crashed, but instead it worked like a charm. :)
Within this archive I have provided 3 main different argument routines so
you can select the routine which is most suitable for your particular
program if you choose to use any one of these routines.
If you wish to use these CLI arg routines with a WB program then you should
use an alternative to "WBStartup" such as "wbmessage".
These CLI arg routines were influenced by "Args.bas" from here:-
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Contents of dev/blitz/cli_args.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 374 723 51.7% -lh5- 11e1 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args.ab2
[generic] 169 1286 13.1% -lh5- b17d Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args.ab2.xtra
[generic] 940 1941 48.4% -lh5- 3722 Nov 4 2010 cli_args/cli_args.readme
[generic] 624 1182 52.8% -lh5- 0478 Nov 4 2010 cli_args/cli_args13.ab2
[generic] 186 1218 15.3% -lh5- 82a6 Nov 4 2010 cli_args/cli_args13.ab2.xtra
[generic] 5038 5132 98.2% -lh5- 91c3 Nov 4 2010 cli_args/cli_args13.exe
[generic] 620 1299 47.7% -lh5- 4e88 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args_3.ab2
[generic] 173 1286 13.5% -lh5- d3d8 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args_3.ab2.xtra
[generic] 544 1034 52.6% -lh5- d115 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args_d.ab2
[generic] 171 1286 13.3% -lh5- 40b0 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args_d.ab2.xtra
[generic] 7097 7220 98.3% -lh5- 2f82 Jun 20 2007 cli_args/cli_args_d.exe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 11 files 15936 23607 67.5% Nov 5 2010
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