This is just a humble developement kit for Sigbjørn Skjæret's Amiga
implementation of Erik de Castro Lopo's libsndfile.
Hopefully its enough to get you started. :)
After you remake your DefLibs be sure to include "all.res" or
"AmigaLibs.res" in your compiler options residents.
See the archive "sndfile.lha" on the aminet for more details.
What the #@$% is SFinfo ?
SFinfo is a little program to get sound file information.
What the #@$% is AWconvert ?
AWconvert is a program which will convert AIFF to WAV and WAV to AIFF.
Files must be in un-compressed format.
At the time AWconvert's creation I only knew how to use the raw read/write
modes, so all the data conversions were done internally.
WTF is SFplay ?
SFplay is a simple sound player supporting all of the "sndfile.library"'s
working formats, including compression.
All programs were tested on my Amithlon system.
See the files "ADPCM_dec.lha" and "mp3_dec.lha" on the aminet for other
"sndfile.library" examples.
Feeling bored ? :)
Why not check out this URL ?