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dev/blitz/PaletteRemap.lha |
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Author: Curt Esser
Type: dev/basic
Requires: BDGFX library (Aminet/dev/basic)
Distribution: FreeWare - use and distribute as you like
What it is: An example showing how to remap the palette of
an iff picture to your screen's palette. In the
example, the picture is re-mapped and shown on your
WorkBench screen but it should work with any screen.
Also shows how to check for enough chip ram before
attempting graphic operations, and how to read the
picture's file header to tell if it is really a
useable iff picture before loading.
Notes: Turn Runtime Errors OFF or it will be very slow.
Limitations: It may not work on a GFX card. Please let me know
if it does or not.
I think it will work on a non-AGA system. Again,
please let me know if it does or not.
It can't handle HAM pictures (but it does show how
to check for HAM, and refuse them)
It won't perform miracles. Re-mapping a 256 colour
pic to a 4 colour screen will look AWFUL!
This is a simple direct colour re-map. There is no
dithering done, it simply picks the closest matching
colour on the target screen.
Your Bit: If you find any errors, or come up with any improvements
please pass them along to me.
Also, if you have any good examples on any Blitz related
topics, please upload them here so others can use them!
Contents of dev/blitz/PaletteRemap.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 2094 4963 42.2% -lh5- f8c4 Feb 8 1998 pal.remap.bb
[generic] 792 1707 46.4% -lh5- d8b6 Feb 8 1998 PaletteRemap.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 2 files 2886 6670 43.3% Feb 10 1998
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