A small note about the files in this drawer :
BlitzPlay.bb : This is the guts of the program. This is where all
BlitzPlay.asc : the replayers are stored and all fileloading and
recognising is done. It supports the following
formats :
: GMOD, THX, FutureComposer, PlaySID,
: QuadraComposer, FRED, David Whittacker and of
: course, MEDs, MODs and IFF8SVXs. Currently
: the FutureComposer and QuadraComposer formats
: crash. I havn't found out why as yet. Also
: I don't know what all the jumptable entries
: in FREDs and DavidWhittackers do, so they
: aren't supported either. And finally, there
: are two types of PSID modules. One with a
: header storing info about the tunes and
: another one which requires an .info file for
: this information in TOOLTYPE format. Only
: the .info format is recognised. The source
: for the PSID routines were grabbed straight
: from HyperHelp, found on BUM9.
BlitzPlay.bb2 : This is the interface for the guts. It's pretty
BlitzPlay.xtra : bodgy :) It brings up a requestor for selection of a
BlitzPlay.ascii : module, picks a random subsong, plays it, scrolls a
scrolltext if it finds one, waits for you to hit the
quit gadget and does it all over again, until it
finds a file it can't load for any reason.
THX-Offsets.BB : This was grabbed from the THX archive, how nice of
them to provide Blitz2 source. It contains offsets
for various THX variables and jumptables etc. Used
by BlitzPlay's guts. :)
LookUp : Just a textfile detailing most (if not all, I can't
remember) of the Functions and Statements contained
within BlitzPlay.bb. Read this if you can't figure
out my sources :)
I hope you have fun or whatever from using/reading this source. It started
out as just a GMOD player (GMODPlay might still be on AmiNet somewhere) but
then I had a look at the FRED DeliPlayer example and I thought "Hey, this
wouldn't be so hard to do for Blitz!"... I also figured out what the other
jumptable entry did (it controls the volume) but I don't know what registers
effect it. Aaanyway, after that I went round collecting every replayer I
could find (more wanted, if you have any!) and worked on incorperating them
into one huge program. And here's the result :) Once upon a time, back in
the REAL early days, DeliTracker gave out examples for replayers for about
20 formats! They don't do that anymore and no-one seems to have them either.
Anyway, I have a MAJOR problem at the moment, I REALLY need to know how to
use picture datatypes. My project is on a complete standstill at the moment.
Failing that, a FAST way to remap the colours of about 30 176x120 shapes from
their default palette to another set one would also be nice. Just that my
homemade routine takes about 5 minutes on my 020, which simply won't do, cuz
these gfx must be remapped between levels and NOONE wants to wait 5 minutes
just to play the next level. :)
- Toby Zuijdveld
- toby@oznumberone.net
- http://www.abacus.net.au/hotcakes [Last updated : 02·02·98]