84782 packages online
dev/blitz/BlitzBoopsi.lha |
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Leider habe ich diese Demos nicht selbst erfunden. :(
Sie wurden nur vom MaxonBasic abgeschrieben.
Was die Demos betrifft, brauche ich nichts weiter zu sagen,
da jeder bestimmt schon die fertigen Demos aus dem
C angeschaut hat.
Ich habe in dem Archive auch mal die passenden includes mit eingefügt.
Das sind:
- calendar.gadget
- colorwheel
- cybergraphics
- editor.gadget
- gradientslider
- gtdrag.gadget
- jpeg
- listviewclass
- page.gadget
- select.gadget
- tabs.gadget
- tapedeck.gadget
- textfield.gadget
- titlebar.image
- Vectorglyph
Wobei die beiden letzten beim ausführen des jeweiligen Demos ein wenig Probleme machen.
Als sich nach dem starten kein Fenster geöffnet hat, schaute ich mit Snoopdos
nach, was los ist. Entweder sie suchen das "textfield.gadget" oder das "titlebar.image"
im ram oder direkt im libs bzw. libs:libs/. natürlich befindet sich dort keines der beiden.
Es ist auch schon vorgekommen, daß im Snoopdos undefinierbarer müll erscheint.
zbsp: openlib "#Щ°re®¥µ¥¥µÞ¥µ&^&" etc.
Ich denke mal das liegt an dem Blitz. Keine Ahnung.
Es ist also besser, wenn man das "textfield.gadget" und das "titlebar.image" aus dem
Classes kopiert und noch ins Libs legt.
Oder vor dem start des jeweiligen Demos dieses ins Ram kopiert.
Falls jemand eine Lösung hat, der melde sich bitte per EMail.
Ich habe ausserdem noch die Includes für die Datatypes Benutzung
und andere Includes mit beigefügt.
Was mir bei dem "amigalibs.res" auch aufgefallen ist, daß
ein paar Befehle(Tags) fehlen.
Das sind zum Beispiel.
#DTAG_DISP = $80000000
#DTAG_DIMS = $80001000
#DTAG_MNTR = $80002000
#DTAG_NAME = $80003000
#DTAG_VEC = $80004000
und #GA_TextAttr.
Andere habe ich noch nicht weiter bemerkt. Habe aber auch nicht
weiter gesucht.
First I have to say that I don't have written these demos on my own!
They were originally written in Maxon Basic.
Here you can see how powerful Blitzbasic is.
There is nothing else to say ..just look at these demos!
In this archive I have also included the needed include files...
...these are:
- calendar.gadget
- colorwheel
- cybergraphics
- editor.gadget
- gradientslider
- gtdrag.gadget
- jpeg
- listviewclass
- page.gadget
- select.gadget
- tabs.gadget
- tapedeck.gadget
- textfield.gadget
- titlebar.image
- Vectorglyph
The "titlebar.image" and the "textfield/editor.gadget" makes some trouble
when executing the demo.
It's better to copy the "textfield.gadget" and the "titlebar.image" from Classes to Libs
or RAM for that. ..I don't know why!?
Just try to enter a text thats longer than the window is high!
On the right you will see a scroller then...
Also there are the include files for the datatypes and others in the archive.
I've noticed that there are some commands missed in "amigalibs.res".
These are for instance:
#DTAG_DISP = $80000000
#DTAG_DIMS = $80001000
#DTAG_MNTR = $80002000
#DTAG_NAME = $80003000
#DTAG_VEC = $80004000
and #GA_TextAttr.
Others I have not noted but also not searched for!
have fun! ..René
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
20620 10971 46.7% 25-Sep-99 08:02:20 +BoobsiTalkDemo
2475 931 62.3% 25-Sep-99 08:02:38 +BoobsiTalkDemo.asc
14188 7447 47.5% 25-Sep-99 08:04:26 +CalendarDemo
2261 944 58.2% 25-Sep-99 08:04:06 +CalendarDemo.asc
29080 15394 47.0% 25-Sep-99 08:05:40 +CalendarDemo2
2887 1144 60.3% 25-Sep-99 08:05:56 +CalendarDemo2.asc
14300 7217 49.5% 14-Sep-99 04:57:46 +CyberDemo
2218 823 62.8% 14-Sep-99 04:58:06 +CyberDemo.asc
120 102 15.0% 14-Feb-95 23:57:20 +textfield.fd
1821 505 72.2% 17-Oct-99 09:12:28 +Includes.info
518 254 50.9% 21-Sep-99 21:22:12 +calendar.gadget.bb2
1234 177 85.6% 21-Sep-99 21:22:12 +calendar.gadget.bb2.xtra
830 271 67.3% 15-Sep-99 18:05:06 +colorwheel.bb2
1234 192 84.4% 15-Sep-99 18:05:06 +colorwheel.bb2.xtra
2198 640 70.8% 09-Sep-99 13:53:32 +cybergraphics.bb2
1234 184 85.0% 09-Sep-99 13:53:32 +cybergraphics.bb2.xtra
1821 506 72.2% 08-Sep-99 09:55:08 +Datatypes.info
1795 748 58.3% 21-Sep-99 21:59:44 +Datatypes.bb2
1234 176 85.7% 21-Sep-99 21:59:44 +Datatypes.bb2.xtra
4941 1540 68.8% 21-Sep-99 22:00:56 +Datatypesclass.bb2
1234 178 85.5% 21-Sep-99 22:00:56 +Datatypesclass.bb2.xtra
1641 539 67.1% 15-Sep-99 17:20:38 +pictureclass.bb2
1234 181 85.3% 15-Sep-99 17:20:38 +pictureclass.bb2.xtra
618 292 52.7% 15-Sep-99 17:31:44 +soundclass.bb2
1234 177 85.6% 15-Sep-99 17:31:44 +soundclass.bb2.xtra
576 293 49.1% 21-Sep-99 22:01:50 +textclass.bb2
1234 179 85.4% 21-Sep-99 22:01:50 +textclass.bb2.xtra
1555 432 72.2% 26-Sep-99 19:11:04 +editor.gadget.bb2
1234 181 85.3% 26-Sep-99 19:11:04 +editor.gadget.bb2.xtra
273 134 50.9% 15-Sep-99 18:07:26 +gradientslider.bb2
1234 190 84.6% 15-Sep-99 18:07:26 +gradientslider.bb2.xtra
3588 1301 63.7% 21-Sep-99 21:24:58 +gtdrag.bb2
1234 179 85.4% 21-Sep-99 21:24:58 +gtdrag.bb2.xtra
1727 577 66.5% 11-Sep-99 13:05:28 +jpeg.bb2
1234 176 85.7% 11-Sep-99 13:05:28 +jpeg.bb2.xtra
3295 944 71.3% 30-Sep-99 20:53:18 +ListViewClass.bb2
1234 179 85.4% 30-Sep-99 20:53:20 +ListViewClass.bb2.xtra
1303 532 59.1% 21-Sep-99 16:48:34 +Page.bb2
1234 177 85.6% 21-Sep-99 16:48:34 +Page.bb2.xtra
1290 469 63.6% 09-Sep-99 13:53:56 +Select.gadget.bb2
1234 156 87.3% 09-Sep-99 13:53:56 +Select.gadget.bb2.xtra
349 198 43.2% 22-Sep-99 17:13:14 +Tabs.gadget.bb2
1234 178 85.5% 22-Sep-99 17:13:14 +Tabs.gadget.bb2.xtra
469 202 56.9% 30-Sep-99 21:12:50 +tapedeck.bb2
1234 190 84.6% 30-Sep-99 21:12:50 +tapedeck.bb2.xtra
3324 581 82.5% 25-Sep-99 13:23:18 +textfield.gadget.bb2
1234 193 84.3% 25-Sep-99 13:23:18 +textfield.gadget.bb2.xtra
267 158 40.8% 27-Sep-99 18:04:14 +titlebar.bb2
1234 194 84.2% 27-Sep-99 18:04:14 +titlebar.bb2.xtra
132 105 20.4% 30-Sep-99 20:38:00 +VectorGlyph.bb2
1234 151 87.7% 30-Sep-99 20:38:00 +VectorGlyph.bb2.xtra
25724 14075 45.2% 25-Sep-99 08:12:54 +LEDDemo
2546 1121 55.9% 25-Sep-99 08:12:58 +LEDDemo.asc
16640 7751 53.4% 25-Sep-99 08:07:04 +SelectDemo
5324 1451 72.7% 25-Sep-99 08:07:08 +SelectDemo.asc
5168 2367 54.1% 25-Sep-99 08:08:50 +StopButton
4334 1115 74.2% 25-Sep-99 08:09:12 +StopButton.asc
26812 13687 48.9% 05-Oct-99 19:13:28 +TextfieldDemo
6303 1892 69.9% 05-Oct-99 19:13:10 +TextfieldDemo.asc
26480 13642 48.4% 17-Oct-99 09:11:10 +TitlebarDemo
5978 1842 69.1% 17-Oct-99 09:11:34 +TitlebarDemo.asc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
272469 118725 56.4% 17-Oct-99 09:13:40 61 files
Operation successful.
Contents of dev/blitz/BlitzBoopsi.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10971 20620 53.2% -lh5- 55ca Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/BoobsiTalkDemo
[generic] 931 2475 37.6% -lh5- cec4 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/BoobsiTalkDemo.asc
[generic] 7447 14188 52.5% -lh5- 0b64 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CalendarDemo
[generic] 944 2261 41.8% -lh5- 15b2 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CalendarDemo.asc
[generic] 15394 29080 52.9% -lh5- 50de Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CalendarDemo2
[generic] 1144 2887 39.6% -lh5- ed19 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CalendarDemo2.asc
[generic] 7217 14300 50.5% -lh5- 246f Sep 14 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CyberDemo
[generic] 823 2218 37.1% -lh5- 20f5 Sep 14 1999 BlitzBoopsi/CyberDemo.asc
[generic] 102 120 85.0% -lh5- 435f Feb 14 1995 BlitzBoopsi/fd/textfield.fd
[generic] 505 1821 27.7% -lh5- 7ac4 Oct 17 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes.info
[generic] 254 518 49.0% -lh5- a4a4 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/calendar.gadget.bb2
[generic] 177 1234 14.3% -lh5- 321e Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/calendar.gadget.bb2.xtra
[generic] 271 830 32.7% -lh5- 5ab9 Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/colorwheel.bb2
[generic] 192 1234 15.6% -lh5- ab10 Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/colorwheel.bb2.xtra
[generic] 640 2198 29.1% -lh5- fa80 Sep 9 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/cybergraphics.bb2
[generic] 184 1234 14.9% -lh5- b641 Sep 9 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/cybergraphics.bb2.xtra
[generic] 506 1821 27.8% -lh5- 6769 Sep 8 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes.info
[generic] 748 1795 41.7% -lh5- cd48 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/Datatypes.bb2
[generic] 176 1234 14.3% -lh5- 4c92 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/Datatypes.bb2.xtra
[generic] 1540 4941 31.2% -lh5- eec3 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/Datatypesclass.bb2
[generic] 178 1234 14.4% -lh5- 1766 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/Datatypesclass.bb2.xtra
[generic] 539 1641 32.8% -lh5- 1094 Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/pictureclass.bb2
[generic] 181 1234 14.7% -lh5- e493 Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/pictureclass.bb2.xtra
[generic] 292 618 47.2% -lh5- 331f Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/soundclass.bb2
[generic] 177 1234 14.3% -lh5- c76c Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/soundclass.bb2.xtra
[generic] 293 576 50.9% -lh5- 7ee3 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/textclass.bb2
[generic] 179 1234 14.5% -lh5- ab55 Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Datatypes/textclass.bb2.xtra
[generic] 432 1555 27.8% -lh5- cbe4 Sep 26 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/editor.gadget.bb2
[generic] 181 1234 14.7% -lh5- 7d54 Sep 26 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/editor.gadget.bb2.xtra
[generic] 134 273 49.1% -lh5- 316b Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/gradientslider.bb2
[generic] 190 1234 15.4% -lh5- cca1 Sep 15 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/gradientslider.bb2.xtra
[generic] 1301 3588 36.3% -lh5- aeed Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/gtdrag.bb2
[generic] 179 1234 14.5% -lh5- e77d Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/gtdrag.bb2.xtra
[generic] 577 1727 33.4% -lh5- ad03 Sep 11 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/jpeg.bb2
[generic] 176 1234 14.3% -lh5- 22d1 Sep 11 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/jpeg.bb2.xtra
[generic] 944 3295 28.6% -lh5- 8d82 Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/ListViewClass.bb2
[generic] 179 1234 14.5% -lh5- eaf9 Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/ListViewClass.bb2.xtra
[generic] 532 1303 40.8% -lh5- 09ea Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Page.bb2
[generic] 177 1234 14.3% -lh5- 208b Sep 21 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Page.bb2.xtra
[generic] 469 1290 36.4% -lh5- 505c Sep 9 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Select.gadget.bb2
[generic] 156 1234 12.6% -lh5- 4954 Sep 9 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Select.gadget.bb2.xtra
[generic] 198 349 56.7% -lh5- 0186 Sep 22 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Tabs.gadget.bb2
[generic] 178 1234 14.4% -lh5- c588 Sep 22 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/Tabs.gadget.bb2.xtra
[generic] 202 469 43.1% -lh5- 19d8 Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/tapedeck.bb2
[generic] 190 1234 15.4% -lh5- cdbe Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/tapedeck.bb2.xtra
[generic] 581 3324 17.5% -lh5- c43a Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/textfield.gadget.bb2
[generic] 193 1234 15.6% -lh5- b5c8 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/textfield.gadget.bb2.xtra
[generic] 158 267 59.2% -lh5- f8d5 Sep 27 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/titlebar.bb2
[generic] 194 1234 15.7% -lh5- 8ddc Sep 27 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/titlebar.bb2.xtra
[generic] 105 132 79.5% -lh5- 03bb Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/VectorGlyph.bb2
[generic] 151 1234 12.2% -lh5- 79ec Sep 30 1999 BlitzBoopsi/Includes/VectorGlyph.bb2.xtra
[generic] 14075 25724 54.7% -lh5- a90f Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/LEDDemo
[generic] 1121 2546 44.0% -lh5- 4b97 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/LEDDemo.asc
[generic] 7751 16640 46.6% -lh5- 7c54 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/SelectDemo
[generic] 1451 5324 27.3% -lh5- 5684 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/SelectDemo.asc
[generic] 2367 5168 45.8% -lh5- 2dac Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/StopButton
[generic] 1115 4334 25.7% -lh5- 3664 Sep 25 1999 BlitzBoopsi/StopButton.asc
[generic] 13687 26812 51.0% -lh5- e696 Oct 5 1999 BlitzBoopsi/TextfieldDemo
[generic] 1892 6303 30.0% -lh5- f4f6 Oct 5 1999 BlitzBoopsi/TextfieldDemo.asc
[generic] 13642 26480 51.5% -lh5- 8f62 Oct 17 1999 BlitzBoopsi/TitlebarDemo
[generic] 1842 5978 30.8% -lh5- aa56 Oct 17 1999 BlitzBoopsi/TitlebarDemo.asc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 61 files 118725 272469 43.6% Oct 17 1999
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