Short:        Afro-Cuban Drumming.
Author:       Floyd Diebel
Uploader:     fdiebel boulez emrl com (Floyd Diebel)
Type:         mods/mpg
Architecture: generic

This track was recorded in 1998 at EMRL in northern california - it is not
copyrighted material.

The following was used in the making this thing -

	* a2000T w/ 060 & lots-o-ram
	* Sunrize AD516/Studio16, for the mixing and
	* SoundProbe, for some post-mix cleanup
	* mp3encode, to encode to MPEG Layer III.

We've got a pretty cool Amiga-based media production facility
[the EMRL] here in Northern California, USA.  If you'd like to
find out more about what we do (besides drinking red wine),
check us out at

Also, you might want to check out our Sunrize/Studio16 page,
located at