Short:        Industrial/EBM by MatriX Wired
Author: (Simon Holm)
Uploader:     sh matrixwired com (Simon Holm)
Type:         mods/mpg
Architecture: generic


Clip:           Neurologic Dreams
Duration:       2:13
Format:         mp3 - 96kbps - 44,1kHz - Stereo

Author:         [MatriX] Wired (Simon Holm)

Description:    Industrial/EBM (Electronic Body Music) - created in 1996

                After I recorded this song in 1996 I wasn't that pleased with
                the result. But now I think it is one of my best pieces so far.
                I guess it has something to do with the fact that I re-mastered
                it in 1999. It gave the track a whole different sound and

                Well, enjoy and email me if you have any comments.

Equipment Used: Amiga 4000 running Music-X, Apache and Say
                Roland JV-1080
                Roland CM-32L
                Novation BassStation rack
                Akai s3000xl

Uploaded:       21 March 2000

Track written, programmed, produced & mixed by Simon Holm at HARD WIRED