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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
dgen-aros-i386.lha misc/emu 977 2.1M 2010-10-25 i386-aros icon Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Emulator - (readme)
dgen-68k.lha 1.33 misc/emu 1816 594K 2017-12-13 m68k-amigaos icon DGen - Sega Genesis MegaDrive Emulator - (readme)
DeSpace.lha misc/emu 931 17K 1995-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon Fixes UnD64 filenames - (readme)
desmume-os4.lha alpha misc/emu 1055 261K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon Desmume, a NintendoDS emulator - (readme)
deLbr.lha First version misc/emu 971 12K 1998-08-01 m68k-amigaos icon Extracts the files in a \'.lbr\' archive - (readme)
DDI2MVD11.lha 1.1 misc/emu 947 8K 1996-10-10 m68k-amigaos icon Program converter DDI to MVD for AmiMSX2 - (readme)
ddi2dsk-mos.lha misc/emu 1148 5K 2005-06-10 ppc-morphos icon DDI to DSK MSX disk image converter - (readme)
DCMtoImg.lha misc/emu 941 27K 1997-11-10 m68k-amigaos icon Atari 800 \'.DCM\' files -> disk image files - (readme)
DCMtoATR_AOS4.lha misc/emu 1013 28K 2006-08-10 ppc-amigaos icon Atari: Conv DCM files to ATR files - (readme)
dcmo5.lha 11 misc/emu 642 1.4M 2020-12-26 ppc-morphos icon Thomson MO5 emulator (beta) - (readme)
datutil.lha 2.23 misc/emu 982 118K 2005-11-15 m68k-amigaos icon Data file creation/conversion tool - (readme)
dat2slt-os4.lha misc/emu 984 20K 2008-03-05 ppc-amigaos icon Convert between DAT and SLT files - (readme)
darkNESs0.30.lha 0.30 misc/emu 2313 45K 1999-10-17 m68k-amigaos icon Nintendo Entertainment System emulator v0.30 - (readme)
Darkgui.lha misc/emu 1078 24K 1997-07-02 m68k-amigaos icon Gui v0.7 for Darkness NES Emulator - (readme)
DarcNESGUI.lha 1.03 misc/emu 1094 12K 2000-01-12 m68k-amigaos icon GUI for the DarcNES emulator - (readme)
DarcNES.lha misc/emu 1209 116K 2001-04-02 ppc-warpup icon NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9b0313 (010331) - (readme)
Dandanator.ACEpansion.lha 1.1 misc/emu 504 682K 2024-03-05 ppc-morphos icon ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC Emulator - (readme)
d64vrm-morphos.lha 0.4 misc/emu 1651 11K 2012-08-14 ppc-morphos icon D64 (C64) Virus Remover - (readme)
d64edir.lha Second release misc/emu 967 29K 1997-09-20 m68k-amigaos icon Show dir. of a \'.D64\' image via emulator - (readme)
d64.lha misc/emu 1162 111K 1993-03-10 m68k-amigaos icon Converts C64 datasette files to AMIGA - (readme)
D64-Zipcode.lha misc/emu 1014 17K 1996-01-23 m68k-amigaos icon D64->ZIPCODE & ZIPCODE->D64 - (readme)
D32.lha misc/emu 1466 155K 1997-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon Emulator, debugger, assembler for 6809e - (readme)
D2D-Demo.lha demo misc/emu 1197 32K 1987-06-30 m68k-amigaos icon Demo version of Disk-2-Disk by C.C.S. Vdemo - (readme)
CycleCounter.ACEpansion.lha 1.1 misc/emu 938 10K 2020-10-23 ppc-morphos icon ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC Emulator - (readme)
CyberWB_EVD.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1060 5K 1996-08-27 m68k-amigaos icon External Video Driver for ShapeShifter, alpha - (readme)
ctools.lha 0.4a misc/emu 288 123K 2024-11-04 ppc-morphos icon Manipulate C64/C128 CP/M disk images - (readme)
CrossMAC_Demo.lha misc/emu 1349 74K 1994-10-04 m68k-amigaos icon Floppy Read Only CrossMAC Demo - (readme)
CrossMAC105.lha misc/emu 1514 255K 1995-11-23 m68k-amigaos icon Update CrossMAC 1.00 ->1.04 to 1.05 - (readme)
CrossMAC104.lha misc/emu 1434 232K 1995-10-23 m68k-amigaos icon Update CrossMAC 1.00 ->1.03 to 1.04 - (readme)
CrossMAC103.lha misc/emu 1424 142K 1995-02-15 m68k-amigaos icon CrossMac Patch 1.00 1.01 1.02 -> 1.03 - (readme)
creatiVision.lha 15.06.14 misc/emu 1081 271K 2015-07-04 ppc-morphos icon VTech Creativision and clones - (readme)
cpcd2dsk.lha 1.2 misc/emu 1030 15K 2001-03-13 m68k-amigaos icon EmuCPC .CPCD to .DSK format converter - (readme)
CPCConv_v1.02.lha misc/emu 1462 14K 2020-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon Amstrad CPC emulator disk image format convertor - (readme)
CPCConv_src.lha 1.02 misc/emu 1360 4K 2017-04-10 generic icon CPCConv source code - (readme)
cp4_update.lha V0.79 misc/emu 985 127K 2000-02-26 m68k-amigaos icon C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.78 > V0.79 - (readme)
cp4_src.lha 0.79 misc/emu 1424 376K 2017-03-21 generic icon cp4 source code - (readme)
cp4.lha V0.79 misc/emu 2244 670K 2000-02-26 m68k-amigaos icon C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.79 - (readme)
Copy1581f.lha misc/emu 1314 18K 1996-09-16 m68k-amigaos icon 1581 File Copier for Amiga - Working Version! - (readme)
CoolNESs_src.lha 0.77 misc/emu 1343 44K 2017-09-05 generic icon ASM sources for the Cool-NES-emulator - (readme)
CoolNESs78.lha 0.78 misc/emu 1306 46K 2017-09-05 m68k-amigaos icon Update to the Cool-NES-emulator - (readme)
CoolNESs.lha 0.76 misc/emu 2747 117K 1999-04-23 m68k-amigaos icon Cool-NES-emulator v0.76 99.04.20 - (readme)
colem_os4.lha 1.0rel7 misc/emu 1142 641K 2011-02-24 ppc-amigaos icon ColEm Amiga OS4 - Coleco Vision Emulator - (readme)
colem_mos.lha 1.0rel7 misc/emu 1504 649K 2011-02-24 ppc-morphos icon ColEm Amiga MOS - Coleco Vision Emulator - (readme)
CIAgent.lha 1.0 misc/emu 281 202K 2024-09-08 ppc-amigaos icon Minimal CIA resources/hardware simulator - (readme)
CHR2NAM_AOS4.lha misc/emu 1335 8K 2006-09-21 ppc-amigaos icon A NES Name Table Creator - (readme)
ChipMemPri10.lzh misc/emu 1055 1K 1996-02-10 m68k-amigaos icon Resources in ChipRAM, for ShapeShifter. - (readme)
ChipEm.lha misc/emu 1084 71K 2000-09-15 m68k-amigaos icon Chip 8 v0.4 Emulator by Balrog Soft - (readme)
charlie_aos4.lha misc/emu 1305 5K 2006-09-21 ppc-amigaos icon A NES CHR-ROM Optimizer - (readme)
CGX_XVDs.lha 1.0 misc/emu 952 2K 1999-07-31 m68k-amigaos icon ScreenCGX & WindowCGX XVD\'s for Flamingo - (readme)
Centurion.lha misc/emu 301 132K 2023-02-24 ppc-morphos icon Centurion CPU6 based minicomputer - (readme)
Found 846 matching packages
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