Short:        SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis Emulator
Author:       James Ponder, Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund, jeff b00toNic
Uploader:     jeff b00toNic (jozza gmx de)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      0.34
Requires:     CGX or AGA, 68040 (PiStorm-rpi4)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1
Distribution: Aminet

SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis Emulator with Sound support
Recompiled AmiGenerator v0.34
Works with any classic amigaos >=3.1 AGA or CGX
Requires at least a beefed up 68040 (PiStorm-rpi4) and a CD32 controller
Using Mathias "AmiDog" Roslunds AmiGenerator source