Short:        Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20
Author:       The VICEplus Team
Uploader:     "Marco van den Heuvel" <blackystardust68 yahoo com>
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      1.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos 3.x

VICEplus is a fork of VICE. Its most important extension currently is C64DTV

VICEplus is intended to be VICE "plus" additional features that may or may not
end up in VICE. It is based upon the latest release of VICE allowing easy
backporting of features if desired.

Changes from VICEplus 1.0:

    * Merged with VICE 1.22.8 (and a bit beyond)
    * Many monitor features (coders, have a look at it!)
    * New PAL emulation
    * Support for more host architectures
    * x64dtv:
          o added trueflashfs
          o vicii IRQ differences
          o PS/2 mouse on userport support
          o Pixel cell and FRED2 fixes
          o cycle exact DMA/Blitter
          o lots of bugfixes
    * DTV programs now working: 2008 - A DTV ODYSSEY, Boulder Dash DTV

x64dtv uses a new snapshot format that is not compatible with the VICEplus 1.0 x64dtv format. The x11/xaw UI has been changed to require Num, Caps or Scroll Lock to be on to use the menus.