Short:        The 040/060 VideoDriver for ShapeShifter (4/8/15bit)
Author: (László Török)
Uploader:     phoenix master fok hu (László Török)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      2.41
Requires:     68040/68060, AmigaOS 3.0+, AGA/ECS/OCS, ShapeShifter
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

The Fastest driver for native Amiga-chipset - Demo version

Most important changes since last (2.2) Aminet version:

2.3             Single file version (4/8/15 bit drivers in one file)
                Free resolution selection in 15bit mode
                Faster 15bit drivers (about 5-10%)
                All 1x1 modes can handle up to the resolution 1024x1024
                (released only for testing)
2.4 (21.04.97)  VBLANK Versions - MUCH more smoother refresh, and no more windoze like 
                pointer moving on mac side
                (released only for testing)

2.41 (25.04.97) About 5-10% faster 4bit drivers
                Major speed increase in the 2x2 driver (up to 25%!)
                New demo concept: 4/8/15 bit 512x384 normal, and 640x480 8 bit VBLANK

This demo version works in 4/8/15 bit at resolution 512x384, and there is a
special VBLANK driver for HEAVY GRAPHICS LOAD Games. (like Warcraft, Doom)

Listing of archive 'Savage040-060.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     264      33 87.5% 04-May-97 21:47:10  fonts/phxmagyar.font
    2456    1496 39.0% 04-May-97 21:47:10  fonts/phxmagyar/8
     726     418 42.4% 04-May-97 21:43:14  Read_me_First!
   33160   12297 62.9% 04-May-97 21:44:14
    1865    1358 27.1% 01-Dec-96 22:34:02
    3700    2234 39.6% 04-May-97 21:25:46  Video Drivers/Savage040-060_VBLANKDemo
    5784    3404 41.1% 04-May-97 21:09:14  Video Drivers/Savage040-060Demo
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   47955   21240 55.7% 04-May-97 21:51:10   7 files