Short:        Small generator for 16 fractal types
Author: (K-P Koljonen)
Uploader:     kpk iki fi (K-P Koljonen)
Type:         gfx/fract
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0

HippoGen is a fractal generator, which is not quite finished,
but works ok anyhow. It was made in assembler using the 
system math libraries in the early 1990s. It can render 16
different types of fractals.

It was motivated by the fractal generator FRAC by Ronnie
Johansson, which is pretty cool, but very slow, and had
C sources available. Therefore I decided to try the
assembler approach, by porting some of the sources,
and adding some additional algorithms. It is faster 
than FRAC.

It needs reqtools.library and iff.library (for saving images).

The source file is included.