Short:        Those 'rude' samples for WormsDC
Author: (Kevin Fairhurst)
Uploader:     krf101 york ac uk (Kevin Fairhurst
Type:         game/data
Architecture: generic
Requirements: WormsDC, hard drive, fast ram & wdcsamps.lha (this dir)

Simply copy the contents of this archive into the WormsDC/TWSamples/DEFAULT
drawer _AFTER_ installing the samples from 'wdcsamps.lha'.

These five samples are just extra to that set, and they do have SWEARING in
them (they were ommitted from the original set because a few people I knew
wanted to use the sample set for their kids).

Don't have a go at me if you are offended by any of these samples, I am not
responsible for your downloading and listening to them.

