Short:        Another Worms Level Collection
Author:       Mercury'; Benny Brockie
Uploader:     Martin Schulze
Type:         game/data
Requires:     Worms
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Freeware

   This is another archive of Worms-levels by Mercury'. This started of when
  my brother bought the game to 'PC' by Mistake (BIG mistake ;-) and I read
  the manual, wich said that you could make your own levels for the GREAT
  AMIGA VERSION! So I did and here they are, enjoy!

   Our Contact Address:   Mercury'
                       Tradabrekka 9
                       100 Thorshavn
                       Faroe Islands

   Or Call us: (+298) 15860

   NaughtyWorms is FREEWARE so feel free to distribute this archive!
  NOTE: This archive MUST be kept intact!