Short:        Another cardset for marryampic
Author:       Mark Dobson (
Uploader:     Marc Le Douarain (mavati club-internet fr)
Type:         game/data
Architecture: generic

- Cardset for the game MarryAmPic -
- It was sended to me by Mark Dobson -
- Hope you will enjoy it -
- If yes, do not forget to send an e-mail to him to encourage him ! -

- Marryampic is a memory game with soundsupport.
- Marryampic is available on Aminet too, at "game/think/Marryampic.lha"
- Marryampic homepage is at ""
  to have the list of all the cardsets available !

Using this cardset

The cardset can be found in a drawer. You should copy this drawer to the "Cards"-drawer in
the Marryampic-dir.
I do not ask anything for this work, and so there is no intention to breach any copyrights.
I hope this won't cause any trouble for anyone.
The making of this cardset was really a lot of work for me and other 
people, but was also a lot of fun.
The samples are a little bit bigger now but I hope that this will make the game more interesting, as 
the sound samples are of a higher quality.
The pics in the 16 colour version are of limited quality due to the limitations of OCS/ECS.
If anyone has better samples or pics, they can send them to Marc please, who likes receiving 
emails and support for more cardsets. You can send pics and samples from many
other things (games, CD-covers, films or anything else).