Short:        1989-1994 3.5 Litre F1GP-Ed Datafiles
Author:       John Butler
Uploader:     O J C Roberts essex ac uk (Oliver Roberts)
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: generic

This archive contains F1GP-Ed datafiles which are recommended for use with
F1GP-Ed V2.10 or higher, but should work on any version above V2.00.  All
the lap records and datafiles were compiled by:

   John Butler
   25 Fairville Road
   TS19 7NA

The datafiles are aimed at producing realism.  Therefore the HP of your
car is lower than usual, to compensate for slower computer cars.  The
computer cars are also faster on some circuits than others, so there are
a few different versions for each year decicated to particular circuits.
Hope you find these useful :-)

Oliver Roberts