Short:        Remake of Amiga classic Gravity Force
Author:       David Douglas
Uploader:     fasterthanasnail googlemail com (David Douglas)
Type:         game/actio
Version:      1.0
Architecture: i386-aros

This is a remake of the Amiga classic Gravity Force.

The original was by Stephan Wenzler.

All code has been written from scratch but gfx, sfx and music are all ripped.

Default keys are:
Player 1: 
Z = Fire
X = Thrust
Cursor Keys = Rotate

Player 2:
Numpad 3 = Fire
Numpad Enter = Thrust
Numpad 1 & 2 = Rotate

S= Start
Q = Quit
RCtrl = Enter Settings Menu

Use rotate to toggle input controller - press fire to define input for
selected controller
Online sessions are very experimental, but one player selects the host
option, then second player selects the join option and types in the hosts
IP address.

I've tested this on AROS i386 native and it works fine.  The binary crashes
on linux hosted i386 - no idea why, I thought the binaries were supposed to
be interchangable.

I originally wrote this for the GP32, so the menus and input are pretty basic
as I had no GUI to work with.  But it is functional.



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