Short:        The most frustrating Jet Set Willy clone
Author:       nittamituaki (
Uploader:     nittamituaki (nitta sakura ne jp)
Type:         game/actio
Version:      1.01
Replaces:     game/actio/
Requires:     OCS, 512KB chip RAM
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.3.3


Q: Hey, nittamituaki !! What the hell is your next game !?

Here is my latest new game. This time, the game is platformer, a genre you Amigans love.

Q: But you have no knowledge of code, don't you?

Yep. So I used a "LEVEL-EDITOR" of "Henry in Panic" game (now freeware),
which was coded by Kim Byrresen in 1992.
So, if you have a later model Amiga, you must use "Degrader" or "relokick1.3".
See an instructions booklet attached for more details.

Q: Hmm... But I don't know why did you release such a classic & ridiculous hard game.

In 2014, I was really interested in comparing difficulty of "Jet Set Willy" clone games.
Here is my result at that time.
My suggestion was "IRD" scheme for comparing difficulty.
Then we could compare difficulty visually. But it was not enough,
so we must play other 100+ games which had been released for ZX Spectrum...
Did you think that we might waste time?
So I decided to end this interest, "Which title was the hardest?"
to create new game as hardest one.

Q: In other words, this game is totally unplayable for normal human beings, isn't it?

No! This is a important point, please hear me.
This game consists 5 towers. I created "Tower5" as an easiest area.
So try this "Tower5" first.
To be honest, I recommend you to try on UAE with using "save state" option
if you surely want to complete all towers.
At least the game was fully tested by that method.

Q: So, "Tower5" is for beginners?

At least, it would be much easier than "Top Hat Willy" or "Willy's Weirdy Nightmare".

Q: Oh really?  Is it all over with my Henry once he falls from a platform in even "Tower5" ?

Yes, good luck!

Official website:
"Jet Set Willy" Paradice!!:
EAB Profile: