Short:        Port of G7000 game KillerBees
Author: (Gary James)
Uploader:     garyjames82 gmail com (Gary James)
Type:         game/actio
Version:      1.1
Replaces:     game/actio/KillerBees.adf
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet

Killer Bees

Amiga Version V1.1

Version 1.1 fixes
Fixed bug where enemies would congregate at bottom right of screen
Lowered min requirements to a A500 with 512k slow ram (there is some slowdown
when many things on screen)
Fixed kickstart requirements, now will work with kickstart 1.3
Cleaned up code a fair bit, still messt mind.
Learn't a lot about amiga bitplanes, :)

Amiga Version 1.0

Original Phillips G7000 version by Bob Harris 1983
Amiga version by Gary James 2017

It is a conversion of my favourite game on the Phillips G7000 machine. 
Unfortunatly because the machine was quite rare people don't know of this
fast pace game. The original was written by Bob Harris in 1983.

I have already done a ZX Spectrum port in 2014 so it seemed like a good project
for my first ever dable in Blitz Basic.

It doesn't seem to work on Kickstart <2.  Hopefully someone can help fix this.
Although the speed on an A500 maybe too slow anyway.  

The source is included on the disk for anyone interested.

So I guess the minimum requirements for now are 68020 and Kickstart >1.3