Short:        3d Starwars game based on Starwars VI
Author:       Paul Robson / toaks
Uploader:     tony aksnes broadpark no (Tony Aksnes)
Type:         game/actio
Version:      0.9
Requires:     OS4 Pre 3 or better , 3d card not needed :-P
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.3

The Crowd wanted 3d games , here is the first (and last?) in a while ;)

Deathchase 3D is a remake of the Sinclair Spectrum game of the same name. It's a
pseudo 3D game based on the light speeder sequence from "Return of the Jedi"
where you have to shoot the bad guys' speeders.

Steering in this game is abit ackward (ZX hehehe):

Z         = move Left
X         = move Right
Space     = Shoot
k         = Floor it.

Have jolly good fun with this amazingly 3d addictive racer.

Comments from Jape (betatester) : 

ROFL, what an s**t yep, works great where did you find this piece of t"art" this
causes a high addiction...LOL whee, i'm getting better every time....4424 points