Short:        SCENEST'97 - official party results
Author:       Melan / Astroidea (main organizer of Scenest)
Uploader:     Lord (lord eik bme hu)
Type:         docs/misc
Architecture: generic


    The Official SCEneST'97 Party Results
            S C E n e S T ' 9 7
             1997. april 4-5-6.

 Finally here they are... the official scenest'97 party results.
the reason of delay was simple. a stupid pc asshole named 'BIGFOOT'
asked us still at the partyplace to do the results for us, we allowed it
to him (and gave him our original resultsheet), since he promised us
would make it within a few days, but later he pissed to do that.....

   But here they are finally.... we are very sorry for the delay.

                                      one of the angry organizers,
