Short:        SCENET - Sceners's internet database - #32
Author:       Ghandy of Darkage, Faith, Gods, Chemical Reaction & Dire of Eremation
Uploader:     Ghandy Scenet de
Type:         docs/misc
Architecture: generic


                                _  __ ____
 ____ _ __ ___ _ _____________________   /__
_\ _/_   _   /__ _  /__ \   _ __  /__   ___/
\____ \_ /__/  / __/  / \\  \_ __/  /   /_
 |  [ s  c  e  n  e  t   .   0  3  2 ]  |
 |  [ SCENET - the Scene gateway!    ]  |
 |  [ emails.homepages.ftp.sites.irc ]  |
 |  [ channels.absolute.resource.for ]  |
 |  [ ]  |
 `---------------[ ]--'

    /                                                                      \
                   At the bottom the following is waiting for you:         
     GENERAL                       SOURCES                     ATARI
     Scene Introduction            Ftp Server                  General
     Scene Parties                 Newsgroups                  Groups
     Scene People                  Telnet boards               Magazines


     AMIGA                         C64                         PC
     General                       General                     General
     Groups                        Groups                      Groups
     Magazines                     Magazines                   Magazines

     OTHER SYSTEMS                 OTHER STUFF                 GFX & SFX
     Acorn                         BBS`s & more                Graphics Sites
     Consoles                      Hack`n Phreak               Music Sites
     CPC                           Irc Channels                Music Groups
     Linux                         Unknown/Offline

                                 Scener`s ICQ LIST


                             Scener`s email addies

                    the rest is sorted in the follwing way:

            ____________________________  ____________________ _
           /       /_____ \   ________  \ \___/ _____/  _____ _
          /    l__/  ___/ /  ____)   |\  \|   |   |  \____  \
          \    /  \  \_   \      \_  l/   \_  |   | _/   |   \_
           \_______\__|    \______/________/  |___| \_________/
                      |     \             |   |


Ghandy of Darkage^Faith^Gods^Chemical Reaction  * idea and textfile compilation
                                                * responsible for emails, link checking,
                                                  interviews, PR ;) & news

Dire of Eremation                               * webdesign, additional graphics
                                                * responsible for hotlinks, icq, parties,

Leunam of Network                               * homepage main graphics

Optimus of Dirty Minds                          * responsible for CPC emails, hotlinks & news

Raver of Phantasy^SCS*TRC                       * responsible for Spectrum emails,
                                                  hotlinks & news

Evrimsson of Nuance                             * original pre-webdesign

Interviews done by:                             * Ghandy / Gods^DKG
                                                * Dire / Eremation
                                                * Crown / Cryptoburners^TDD
                                                * Sacrilege / Move
                                                * Anhk / Move

Ascii-Support:                                  * Messy/Dkb
                                                * Cnr/Agravedict
                                                * Dipswitch/a!^aHS^100%
                                                * Mr.Vain/ex-Artcore
                                                * Neurodancer/100%
                                                * Zito/Zetec^Apathy
                                                * Exon/Jormas^Faith
                                                * Rapid/ex-Faith
                                                * Darkus/Rebels^Poise-Records

Thanks to:                                      * Lord/Impulse for the original idea of scnet
                                                * Curt Cool/Depth for your support (as always)
                                                * Psychic Symphony/Evolve (demonews)
                                                * Adok for HUGI PC-Diskmag
                                                * Cosmic Pirates for Network/Scene-Central
                                                * Swiss List - a Scener`s email & url list done by
                                                  Unlock of Vantage. Visit it at
                                                * Fear of BASH and Circe. He gave me really A LOT email 
                                                  adresses from south american Sceners.
                                                * Cosmo Conner`s Cracklinks page! I took a lot urls from there!
                                                  Really useful if you`re looking for a crack for your PC!
                                                  Reach it at:
                                                * Flow of Ihana for the file_id.diz & some logos!
                                                * Franky of ex-Riot & ex-Kolor for his incredible help!
                                                * Special greetings go to all supporters! 
                                                  Without you we would vanish the sooner or later!