Amiga Survey

Please simply fill in the different categories (and maybe delete the explanations
that I put in brackets) of this file and return it to my e-mail adress:


                                               Thanks a lot !

1.) Hardware equipment

     - Computer:
       (please fill in here your equipment, including type of AMIGA, CPU, RAM,
        ROM and OS-version, accelerator-card, harddrive, special hardware (hacks?),
        external floppy (HD?), scsi- and/or ide-controller, type of graphics card,
        scandoubler (int/ext ?), other extension-cards like sound- or video-cards,
        other platforms ? (Mac, PC, etc.), ...)
     - Data Storage:
       (please fill in here other drives like ZIP, JAZ, magneto-optical,
        SyQuest, ... and to which port or controller they are connected)
     - Monitor:
       (please fill in here your type of monitor: size, type, ...)
     - Printer:
       (type, driver software ?, paper size, ...)
     - Other Devices:
       (input devices, MIDI-interface, scanner, digitizer, driver software ?,
        everything else called 'hardware' connected to your amiga and not
        mentioned above)
2.) Software Equipment

     - ...
     - ...
     - ...
       (please just list here the software (and version) that you mainly use:
        MUI (if installed), MagicWorkbench, NewIcons, all these Workbench enhancers,
        and commercial software, registered or unregistered shareware, public domain
        software, games, emulators, online-software, etc. that you mainly use -
        please, not every single texteditor that you ever tried ... I tried about
        20 of them but currently I'm using just one, if you know what I mean ...)
     - where do you get your software from ?
3.) Usage of the Amiga

     - ...
     - ...
     - ...
       (please fill in here for what purposes you mainly use your Amiga:
        videotitling, programming (for the Amiga ?, which language ?),
        image processing, text, music, games, maths, graphics, online, ...
        sorted by importance, with the most important purpose at the top -
        not to be taken TOO literally)
     - are you an Amiga-hobbyist or -professional ?
       (I mean, do you earn your money (mainly?) using the Amiga ?)
4.) Future thougts

     - are you enthusiastic about your Amiga ?
       (I mean, do you think your Amiga is really BETTER than your 
        neighbour's PC or Mac ?)
     - what developments would you like to see ?
       (more books ? which topics ? other CPU than 680x0 or PowerPC ? e.g. DEC Alpha ? ...)
     - what platforms would you be interested in if the Amiga would not be
       supported anymore ?
       (DraCo, A/BOX, BeBox, PC, Mac, Acorn, UNIX-machines, ... ?)
     - what company would you like to be the new owner of Amiga ?
       (VISCorp, Eagle Computer, Phase5, Microsoft ;-) ... any suggestions ?)
     - any other comments or suggestions ?
5.) Misc

     - your sex ? (male/female/others ... ?;-)
     - your age ?
     - do you have private internet-access ? what provider ?
     - anything you want to add that doesn't fit one of the other categories ?

Ok, that's all !
Thank you !