Short:        Amiga News Central 1997 news archive
Author: (Paul Morabito)
Uploader:     paulm comcen com au (Paul Morabito)
Type:         docs/misc
Requires:     WWW Browser
Architecture: generic

Amiga News Central was a WWW site which operated from early February 1997 to
mid December 1997. As time went by visitors increased and the site expanded.
Just before it's closure Amiga News Central was achieving record levels of
visitors but unfortunately it had to be prematurely closed.

Contained in this archive is all the news and articles which appeared on
Amiga News Central during it's operation. I decided to upload this to Aminet
because it contains comprehensive coverage of all the news and events that
occured at a very important yet turbulent stage of the Amiga's existence. I
hope you find something that interests you, maybe you will find this extra
interesting if you are reading this in the distant future on your top of the
line Amiga 8000 and you want to see what things were like back in 1997 ;-).