1995-2214: A look into the future. This is the log of a dark IRC day, when I joined the channel of some good friends (I were off line since 2 months back) and, didn't want to "present" myself after months "immediately"...I had instinctively an idea :)) I faked my ident (my new provider was unknown to my friends) and joined as "TimeCop". :)) All what you are going to read is happened in "real time", I didn't think in any way to do it before I joined the channel and noticed my friends talk about /ban *!*@*.microsoft.com .... that I added also *!*@*.microsoft.mil, because they suckers will be also .mil ....sooon ='0~~~~~~~ Besides TimeCop that is already a fake, all the other nicks have been changed. Amiga forever ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Maverick/RamJam - bizzetti@mbox.vol.it - Maverick* at IRC | | The maker of "CyberMan" and "Virtual Karting" | | working on "StarFighter" | | Amiga ONLY games | | | | Stop that fucking imperialist embargo against Cuba. | | Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TimeCop | damn..my 2Tbytes qram suxx :(( TimeCop | w8, quitting NervInterface aircool | time: i believe you... :) TimeCop | ok TimeCop | back in time :) TimeCop | well..the story from which year? aircool | time: Is my name written in any history book? TimeCop | yes TimeCop | w8 aircool | time: what do they say about me? TimeCop | I am using a slow clock-computer now logg | tc: 1995, the lotto number from the last september week in germany.... TimeCop | w8, telling about history.. I can't do much because I can't talk too much (by voice, I am in a space station) TimeCop | 1995-2214: TimeCop | so.. TimeCop | in 1995 a new OS for the well diffuse PC was born TimeCop | called...Windows95 aircool | does a wannabe Operating System called Windows still exist? TimeCop | NOPE TimeCop | w8, the story goes.. TimeCop | they put a secret backdoor TimeCop | because a world net was going to grow up in the 1990's years aircool | will they make Windows96, W97, W98 and W99 too? TimeCop | in 1998 the owner of MicroSoft.. w8 TimeCop | yep :( TimeCop | in 1998 the owner of MicroSoft.. w8 TimeCop | Robert Gates TimeCop | Robert Bill Gates TimeCop | had a whole control over the entire PC Internet computers :( TimeCop | he thought that the power was to be the master of the OS used by these computers aircool | time: did he buy the internet? TimeCop | no «Quit» | aircool has signed off (Ping Timeout). TimeCop | he controlled WindowsNT, Win95-99 and Win2000, so controlled the PC's «Notify» | aircool has signed off. TimeCop | hmm.. TimeCop | WHEN is gone aircool ?? TimeCop | or where?? TimeCop | will wait, I HAVE time.. ;) TimeCop | logg? «Who Is» | User: logg (~logg@r9.rhein-neckar.netsurf.de): lalala «Who Is» | Channels: @#mooowkow «Who Is» | Server: irc.sdsc.edu - [] SDSC/CERFNet IRC Server «Who Is» | End of WhoIs info. «Kick» | You have been kicked off channel #mooowkow by logg (No time to talk with you now... Probably in another time :)). «Error» | There was no such nickname aircool «Who Was» | End of WhoWas info. «Server» | [irc.sdsc.edu] It seems that you don't have identd installed on your host. «Server» | [irc.sdsc.edu] If you wish to have your username show up without the ~ (tilde), «Server» | [irc.sdsc.edu] then install identd. «Join» | You have joined channel #mooowkow. «Names» | Users on #mooowkow: TimeCop @logg «Names» | End of /NAMES list. TimeCop | :((( «Action» | TimeCop cries TimeCop | 8( TimeCop | ;( «Chan Mode» | logg changes the channel mode to invite only TimeCop | NO! «Kick» | You have been kicked off channel #mooowkow by logg (No time to talk with you now... Probably in another time :)). «Error» | No channel joined in this window. >logg< | :(((((( you NEED to know about the Net World WAR!!!!! >logg< | :(((((( you NEED to know about the Net World WAR!!!!! >logg< | :(((((( you NEED to know about the Net World WAR!!!!! >logg< | just 10 minutes «Error» | [] Channel #mooowkow may be joined by invitation only. «Error» | [] No such nick/channel aircool «Who Is» | End of WhoIs info. «Error» | [] Channel #mooowkow may be joined by invitation only. «Invite» | You've been invited to #mooowkow by logg. «Join» | You have joined channel #mooowkow. «Names» | Users on #mooowkow: TimeCop @logg «Names» | End of /NAMES list. «Chan Mode» | Current modes for #mooowkow: invite only. TimeCop | I DO understand that I may seem strange TimeCop | :( TimeCop | have faith if you can.. logg | I trust you... logg | :) «Error» | Unknown command: BILL TimeCop | :) TimeCop | Bill Gates controlled WindowsNT, Win95-99 and Win2000, so controlled the PC's TimeCop | no buy out of the Internet TimeCop | he became mad :( TimeCop | and when Windows2000 was released.. TimeCop | :( TimeCop | he had a complete knowledge of a whole of secrets TimeCop | enough to force bad diplomacy between Cina and USA :( TimeCop | Cina had a very good InterNet structure TimeCop | got it? logg | And when was he stopped logg | ??? TimeCop | MicroSoft (that's the name of Robert Bill Gates's company) WAS ABLE to link in EVERY PC and control it TimeCop | and thanks to the INFORMATION HIGHWAY.... TimeCop | it was nearly invisible :( TimeCop | he didn't stop TimeCop | he died in 2012 , killed logg | What did the government do? TimeCop | BUT CIna and USA did the first Internet war TimeCop | world war TimeCop | 8( TimeCop | with lotsa of systems hacked TimeCop | and lotsa informations stoled or lost TimeCop | deleted TimeCop | TimeCop | what do you need to know? logg | Better than nuclear weapons... logg | Cina=China? TimeCop | yep TimeCop | sorry TimeCop | do you understand the problem? TimeCop | Information Highways + Windows2000 (backdoored) + Bill Gates's mad mind = ..... 8(((( TimeCop | 600 millions of PC logg | Say me the lottery numbers for germany and the next weekend :) TimeCop | in the year 2002 TimeCop | haha TimeCop | I CANT know it :((( sorry TimeCop | I would help you ;| TimeCop | where is aircool ? TimeCop | Information Highways + Windows2000 (backdoored) + Bill Gates's mad mind = NEARLY THE END OF FREEDOM AND COOL INDIPENDENT PEOPLE AROUND THE WHOLE WORLD!!!! 8((( TimeCop | DO ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TimeCop | Or I'll be fired :((( I have a family, I need my job! TimeCop | a wonderful wife :) and a baby (female) :)) «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 18 seconds. TimeCop | still here (and now)? TimeCop | are you still now? logg | I will help you to stop MS the best way I can... Say me what I can do... TimeCop | you have to stop it :( I cant from here TimeCop | ask me anything... TimeCop | questions.. TimeCop | doubts... TimeCop | previews TimeCop | ANYTHING TimeCop | where is aircool ? logg | aircool do go to lunch... logg | hmmm... Say me the master pw of the ms internet host.... TimeCop | hmm... are you logging for the Amiga resistance? TimeCop | logg: I will ask it to my superiors :) I can't ask them from this timecoordinate TimeCop | do you know Amiga resistance? TimeCop | is already begun? logg | amiga resistance? TimeCop | yes TimeCop | dont you know? TimeCop | sorry!! TimeCop | it's 1995..? logg | No... TimeCop | The Amiga resistance (GOD SAVE THE AMIGA!!) was born in 1998, when the first release of Windows2000 (beta v0.1) was released TimeCop | they already got that there was a secret backdoor, TimeCop | do you know why it was so difficult to discover the backdoor? TimeCop | do you know why it was so difficult to discover the backdoor? TimeCop | do you know why it was so difficult to discover the backdoor? TimeCop | ? logg | No, why? Because all the sucking PC users are too stupid? TimeCop | because Windows2000 used 180Mb RAM of code, so it was a BIT difficult for the law employees to check all the sources, against the backdoors (there were laws against doors) TimeCop | in 1998 the cube ram costed about 1$ per 10 Megabytes TimeCop | 3D chip ram (no 3D microprocessors though) logg | hmmm... How can I access the doors, so I can delete Win2000 from the HDs of the people... TimeCop | they did the first PowerPC with 256 bits bus and internal 1 Gb of ram TimeCop | no, you can't. the backdoor lets you do a special telnet there TimeCop | but you need codes and codes TimeCop | only Bill Gates has them: TimeCop | he is the only one, because he coded by himself the 20% of Windows2000 code, that does NOTHING, but is UNREADABLE (the source) and contains a lot of secrets :( TimeCop | 256bits internal bus (PowerPC 2561) logg | How can I kill Bill ? TimeCop | the Amiga, on the other hand, had a custom HP-750 uP, and DIFFErENT users TimeCop | Bill was killed with a gun, but it was only a fortune, NOW things are changed :((( a bastard from my time gone back, and he is actually working at MicroSoft, to make Windows supoort TimeCop | support TimeCop | He is not know yet in your time TimeCop | Jeff Kains TimeCop | a BASTARD TimeCop | his real name is Jeoff Schiller TimeCop | in my time TimeCop | I am trying to find him :( TimeCop | but it seems impossible without me in your time (personally) logg | Why did/will he do this (Jeff)? TimeCop | I am only "telnetting" to a normal computer of your time TimeCop | Jeoff is a arrogant bastard, worse than Bill Gates. TimeCop | He escaped from the year 2214 TimeCop | too much cool my time TimeCop | not yours :(( TimeCop | but you are still lucky... TimeCop | next years (2005-2030) will be ... 8( TimeCop | A real revolution is coming, technologically and not TimeCop | the cube ram ruled, about 1/100 price and 10 times speed TimeCop | and PC began to put all into one chip, to make everything INVISIBLE TimeCop | Windows2000 kernel is in the PowerPC 2561-2-3 chips TimeCop | 1-2-3 are the versions TimeCop | 3 is stable (hmm...) TimeCop | taking note?? it's IMPORTANT TimeCop | I can only telnet to a university computer :( logg | 1/100 price rulez! logg | Is Vobis still living in your time? TimeCop | Vobis in 2214? TimeCop | nope, sorry(?) TimeCop | ask me what you want TimeCop | anything you need to know TimeCop | NOT unlegal things.. ;) logg | Say me how I can help you... I have to go in some mins... TimeCop | organize the AMiga resistance TimeCop | it's the LAST resource for free users :( TimeCop | the LAST TimeCop | :(( TimeCop | it's not the Amiga, it's SOME of their users TimeCop | they will do the revolution, using linked (net) Amigas TimeCop | also Mac, Xom, Unix where controlled TimeCop | Apple Mac, do you know? TimeCop | Atari Xom? logg | Ok, I will do that... Give me some tips! TimeCop | Unix workstations? TimeCop | Unix is a common name for many systems, unlike Xom, Mac and Amiga TimeCop | Xom is not out in 1995 TimeCop | have you heard of Atari Xom? TimeCop | Xtraperformance Omniuse Machine TimeCop | very powerful but uncompatible TimeCop | bought by MicroSoft Corporation in 1999 TimeCop | all the Atari logg | I have a mac here... And a UNIX workstation (SGI Indy) logg | Sorry have to go now... Mail me please all important things: EMAIL: logg@xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx logg | Was a real fun conversation... Hope MS will die :) TimeCop | I CANT MAIL! TimeCop | DO THE AMIGA REVOLUTION!! TimeCop | DO IT!! TimeCop | DO IT!! TimeCop | DO IT!! TimeCop | 8( logg | He, really have to go... I am back in 20 mins... TimeCop | or the world will DIE!! TimeCop | ok TimeCop | I HAVE time ;)) TimeCop | I am the time TimeCop | I can give you proofs TimeCop | if you wish ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# «Log» | Log started on Tuesday 26-Sep-95 at 21:19:08. TimeCop | hello revolution comrade «Who Is» | User: TimeCop (~TimeCop@ Stop the Windows2000 era, stop the Net War «Who Is» | Channels: #mooowkow «Who Is» | Server: irc.colorado.edu - Univ of Colorado Server (2.8.*) «Who Is» | Idle: 5 seconds «Who Is» | End of WhoIs info. «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 11 seconds. TimeCop | logg | hi tc! logg | Still on you shell account in past? :) TimeCop | hello TimeCop | yes TimeCop | I know how I look like :( TimeCop | it's my job, it's an abitude ;| «Who Is» | User: logg (~logg@r1.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx): lalala «Who Is» | Channels: @#mooowkow «Who Is» | Server: irc.sdsc.edu - [irc.sdsc.edu] SDSC/CERFNet IRC Server «Who Is» | End of WhoIs info. TimeCop | I am NOT in the past: I can use radio-waves in different times, I am telnetting through a satellite TimeCop | you get only the electric signals from the year 2214, nothing more logg | Yes, I want to believe in you... Give me a reason for that... Give me a signal! TimeCop | what kind of signal? logg | Say me something that will happen in the next mins/hours/days... And I will believe in you (say me in which town I life :) ) TimeCop | I cant give you the lottery previews, it's prohibited TimeCop | I cannot know, until I get a history archive, but it's difficult to know about everyone in the past TimeCop | let me check.. TimeCop | what's your name? TimeCop | give me your name and I'll have some data to look at the knowledge TimeCop | the container TimeCop | I need name and surname TimeCop | some entries for the "database" (?) TimeCop | if you have done anything that has been remarked, then you are in TimeCop | I wanna give you a proof, the kernel gave me the permission :) «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. TimeCop | it's true! in your era the lags really exist.. I can't believe.. «Quit» | logg has signed off (Ping timeout). «Notify» | logg has signed off. «Part» | You have left channel #mooowkow. ################ «Join» | You have joined channel #mooowkow. «Names» | Users on #mooowkow: @TimeCop «Names» | End of /NAMES list. «Inviting» | Inviting logg to #mooowkow. «Network» | Closed connection to server irc.colorado.edu «Network» | Attempting connection to server cs-pub.bu.edu on port 6667 «Network» | Connected to server cs-pub.bu.edu; awaiting response. «Welcome» | Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TimeCop «Host Info» | Your host is cs-pub.bu.edu, running version 2.8.21 «Host Info» | This server was created Mon Sep 25 1995 at 11:09:59 EDT «Host Info» | This server recognizes user modes oiws, and channel modes biklmnopstv. «LUsers» | There are 6941 users and 4821 invisible on 94 servers «LUsers» | 146 IRC operator(s) online. «LUsers» | 5 unknown connection(s). «LUsers» | 2874 channels formed. «LUsers» | I have 320 clients and 3 servers «MOTD» | - cs-pub.bu.edu Message of the Day - «MOTD» | - 23/6/1995 11:02 «MOTD» | - Rules on this server: «MOTD» | - «MOTD» | - (1) This rule is not negotiable. «MOTD» | - . ..__. .__ .__..___. __. I «MOTD» | - |\ || | [__)| | | (__ I «MOTD» | - | \||__| [__)|__| | .__) * «MOTD» | - «MOTD» | - (2) You may not use an illegal user@host on this server. «MOTD» | - If I find you using an illegal user@host and you do not «MOTD» | - give a reason that I find acceptable, I will /kill you. «MOTD» | - «MOTD» | - (3) Disclaimer: This IRC server is provided as a service. «MOTD» | - Myself (Helen Rose, hrose@cs.bu.edu) and Boston University's «MOTD» | - Computer Science Department take no responsibility and «MOTD» | - explicitly disclaim any legal liability for the content of «MOTD» | - any messages that pass through this server, and the results «MOTD» | - of running any commands which you do as a result of being on «MOTD» | - irc. «MOTD» | - «MOTD» | - YOU MAY USE cs-pub.bu.edu PORT 6666 if you have trouble «MOTD» | - connecting to port 6667. «MOTD» | - «MOTD» | - Any questions to hrose@cs.bu.edu «MOTD» | End of Message of the Day. «Join» | You have joined channel #mooowkow. «Names» | Users on #mooowkow: TimeCop logg «Names» | End of /NAMES list. «User Mode» | You are now invisible. TimeCop | hello again TimeCop | it's true! in your era the lags and splits really exist.. I can't believe.. TimeCop | :) TimeCop | I wanna give you a proof, the kernel gave me the permission :) TimeCop | in need some entries for the "database" (?) TimeCop | if you have done anything that has been remarked, then you are in «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 7 seconds. logg | Where is your shell account, so that you can use Grapevine? TimeCop | it's not mine, I am controlling a computer (Amiga 4000) on the net, via "telnetting" TimeCop | hard to explain TimeCop | it's not magic, do not make me laugh please ;) technology is only technology, any time TimeCop | do you want a proof or you do not need :) TimeCop | I know you were skeptical in 20Th century TimeCop | We cannot go past in time, we can use radio-waves TimeCop | no matter, no mass can go. Only small particles (electrons, photons, quark, mania, protons, etc..) TimeCop | Jeoff Schiller (Jeff Kains) is helping MicroSoft in the same (nearly) way I am doing, he should tell he is a freelancer or so logg | Then give me a proof... I will help you: I will write you a e-mail with my town tomorrow.. And you say me now where I live :) TimeCop | nobody can meet him in your time TimeCop | I do NOT have email TimeCop | I can only telnet TimeCop | I can't do magic: I can tell you where you live, or any other proof, only if you give me SOME entries for the history database TimeCop | nobody can do magic: dont be stupid ;) TimeCop | I need inputs for the history archive TimeCop | something to find your entry and tell you somethings TimeCop | there are too many "logg" :( TimeCop | history archive: got it? :| «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. logg | Then proof your sayings.... And tell me how you use GV with telnet... «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 51 seconds. logg | My name is xxxxxx xxxxxx... No try it again :) TimeCop | my computer is faster than you could ever imagine, tell me i.e. name:John street:5Th avenue TimeCop | ok, checking TimeCop | A lot, about 40 in history archive TimeCop | 34 from germany TimeCop | more help TimeCop | number of the street TimeCop | part of the street name TimeCop | I dont wanna check all the 41 in the database TimeCop | a small more input «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. TimeCop | I wanna give you a proof, the kernel gave me the permission :) logg | 26 TimeCop | the kernel is the structure that checks everyone that does my job TimeCop | w8 TimeCop | It says: TimeCop | xxxxxx xxxxxx TimeCop | xxxx xxxxxxxx 26 TimeCop | 68305 Germany TimeCop | right? TimeCop | known for.. TimeCop | I dont think I can go over :( «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 91 seconds. logg | The street name begins with "xxxx" TimeCop | is the entry right? TimeCop | xxxxxxxx the city, on the Rhein TimeCop | industrial city TimeCop | is the entry right? TimeCop | do I need to check another one? TimeCop | it seems only 1 «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 39 seconds. logg | How old am I? TimeCop | 17 TimeCop | or nearly TimeCop | doesnt say too much about it TimeCop | you are on the phone book TimeCop | in 1995-2000 there were not too much logged informations TimeCop | only phone-books, or so TimeCop | and the Net War cancelled many important informations, like militar secrets TimeCop | and many other things :( TimeCop | since 2080 we log everything «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. TimeCop | so, will you help me? TimeCop | so, will you help me? TimeCop | so, will you help me? TimeCop | so, will you help EVERY PEOPLE FREE IN MIND?? TimeCop | how many PC's are there NOW??? TimeCop | tell me... TimeCop | 200 millions? TimeCop | in 2000 there will be 600 !!! TimeCop | ALL WITH WINDOWS2000 INSTALLED INTO THE PPC2563 CHIP TimeCop | ONE CHIP FOR EVERY FUNCTION: CPU,RAM,VIDEO,SOUND,I/O logg | mave? Are you mave? TimeCop | NOT IBM, NOT COMPAQ (?), MICROSOFT TimeCop | so, will you help me? logg | Whats my tel number? «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 133 seconds. TimeCop | 600 millions of PC: 1000 millions of stupid people TimeCop | "stupid" = "sheeps" TimeCop | got what I mean? TimeCop | "sheeps" = food for wolf (Robert Bill Gates) TimeCop | GOT IT?!?!? TimeCop | GOT IT?!?!? TimeCop | TimeCop | «Quit» | logg has signed off (Ping timeout). «Notify» | logg has signed off. «Join» | Schwesuk (Schwesuk@r4.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx) has joined the channel. TimeCop | logg TimeCop | I got a voicelink call TimeCop | the superior :| TimeCop | the kernel official Schwesuk | HI Was here an User named logg ?? TimeCop | yes TimeCop | he has "signed off" «Notify» | logg is now online. TimeCop | "ping timeout" TimeCop | he is back «Inviting» | Inviting logg to #mooowkow. Schwesuk | Is He signdoff ?? >logg< | I've been a stupid: the manual says "NEVER talk to anybody about his future, and this possibility" Schwesuk | ok ThXX ByE !! TimeCop | he is back «Part» | Schwesuk (Schwesuk@r4.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx) has left the channel. «Who» | * logg_ H logg@r1.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx «Who» | * logg H ~logg@r1.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx «Who» | End of Who info. «Who» | End of Who info. «Who» | End of Who info. «Who» | * Schwesuk H Schwesuk@r4.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx «Who» | End of Who info. «Join» | logg (~logg@r1.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx) has joined the channel. TimeCop | hello again :( TimeCop | I've been a stupid: the manual says "NEVER talk to anybody about his future, and this possibility" TimeCop | sorry logg | Are you mave? TimeCop | who is mave? logg | You said nothing about the future... TimeCop | I CANT TimeCop | but telling that it EXISTS is already too much TimeCop | it exists as a variable, a coordinate TimeCop | like space TimeCop | but only for energy TimeCop | I am in 2214 now TimeCop | sending radio wawes to a satellite in 1995, that has internet link logg | Tell me my tel number and I will really trust you.... TimeCop | it's simple «Join» | logg_ (logg@r1.xxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx) has joined the channel. TimeCop | aircool didn't tell me ;) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) TimeCop | ;))))) Maverick | HALLO!!! Maverick | HALLO!!! Maverick | ;) «Nickname» | Your nickname is now Maverick. Maverick | cooooool! Maverick | TRUE LIES!! Maverick | it's my first day into internet back ;) Maverick | WINDOWS2000: TRUE LIES!! Maverick | WINDOWS2000: TRUE LIES!! Maverick | ;)))) «Ping» | Sending ping to logg. «Ping» | Sending ping to logg_. Maverick | angry with me? 8( logg | I am not in the telephone book :) logg | You really shocked me the first moment with my address :) «Pong» | Ping response time from logg: 69 seconds. logg | No... Was funny... Have some nice logs to spread :)