Short:        Replacement for CBM's own Format command, with many features.
Author:       Eric Sauvageau @ Fido 1:242/907.0
Uploader:     dream step polymtl ca
Type:         disk/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  MFormat 1.8a is a disk formatter utility I wrote because I wasn't satisfied 
with Commodore's Format command.  I wanted to be able to install the disk 
and to disable verifying (if I only want a quickly formatted disk for 
unpacking some archive).  I also wanted to be able to save my settings in a 
prefs file, so I no longer have to always change the volume name to 
something else than "Empty" when I've got tired of this name.

  MFormat requires Kickstart 2.04 or better, and will use some 3.x features 
when runned under that version of the operating system.  It is released as 
Shareware - a fee of 10$ CAN (around 7$ US) is required for continuous use.

  MFormat 1.8a features:

     - Complete font-sensitive GUI (can also be used from Shell).
     - Verify on/off option.
     - Create Icons on/off option.
     - Bootblock Install option.
     - Auto_start function.
     - Auto Incrementing Volume Name function.
     - Preferences file.
     - Support any device, from high-density floppies to CrossDOS (tm).
     - Public Screen support.
     - Device filter, for better security against accidental formattings.

  Included Amigaguide documentation is in English and in French.