Short:        AmigaDOS device for raw device access
Uploader:     ruppert vs3 informatik fh-wiesbaden de
Type:         disk/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  Raw device-handler

  (C) Copyright 1995 Marius Gröger
      All Rights Reserved.

  This is a special AmigaDOS device handler which allows one to access any
  block oriented device (floppies, harddisks, CD-ROMs, ...) block by block,
  thus bypassing any file-system.

  Please read also the supplied AmigaGuide® document to obtain further
  information about the installation and usage of the device-handler.

  You should install this software package by using the supplied Installer
  script. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact me:

  Marius Gröger          email:
  Bärstadter Str. 4   
  65307 Bad Schwalbach


  This package is Freeware, but not in the public domain.

  It's strictly forbidden to include this archive in any kind of software
  collection except Fred Fish's AmigaLibrary, Aminet, Aminet CD's and BBS

  This software is provided "as is". No representations or warranties are
  made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance, currentness,
  or operation of this software, and all use is at your own risk.