Short: Utility to set SmartFileSystem object attributes Author: Marcin "Morgoth" Kurek <> Uploader: Marcin "Morgoth" Kurek <morgoth6 box43 pl> Type: disk/misc Version: 1.0 Replaces: - Requires: - Architecture: m68k-amigaos --------------- Introduction --------------- With this little utility you can set some of special SmartFileSystem object (By object I mean the directory or file) attributes. For now only the HIDDEN and UNDELETEABLE are available. Please note that there is a similar utility already. I mean the SFSObject program by Martin Steigerwald, but there is only one small problem with it due some compiler difrences the later version (1.5) do not work at all :( SFSSetAttr i small (1kb) and works fine. --------------- Legal --------------- The author DOES NOT take any responsibility for any damage occured while using this tool. !THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES! SFSSetAttr may be freely distributed. It is freeware! --------------- Usage --------------- Template: OBJECT/A,HIDE/S,UNDELETEABLE/S,F=FORCE/S,Q=QUIET/S: OBJECT/A - Object to be set HIDE/S - Set HIDDEN attribute for this object UNDELETEABLE/S - Set UNDELETEABLE attribute for this object F=FORCE/S - Forces attribute set, even if this action can be dangerous. For example SFSSetAttr will not allow to change the .recycled directory attributes Q=QUIET/S - Hide program messages If you run this program without atribute this attribute will be reset. For example if you specyfy: SFSSetAttr Object The program will unhide and make deleteable the "Object" And second example: SFSSetAttr Object HIDE This makes "Object" hidden and deleteable. --------------- Attributes --------------- This is a part of developer documentation for SmartFileSystem: HIDDEN: The Object won't be returned by EXAMINE_NEXT or EXAMINE_ALL. UNDELETABLE: ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT will return an error for Objects protected by this bit. In simple words if you set the HIDDEN attribute for file or directory it will be not listed by AmigaDOS anymore, it's still here you can still acces it but for example a dir or list commands will not print it. If the object have the UNDELETEABLE attribute set there is no easy way to delete it, the object is simple undeleteable. --------------- Notes --------------- There is some teoretical problems when using this software: For example if you hide a file and forgot it's name ? Or make a executable undeleteable and want to delete a directory that contain this file, or better this executable is set to hidden and undeleteable and you do not remember it's name. For now there is simple solution a SFSCheck (v2) It can seek for objects with special attributes (SEEK/S switch). With this you can locate all hidden and undeleteable files or directories on SFS device. !! Please note that SFSCheck older than 2.41 relase has a ugly bug in seek process, 2.41 fix this !! --------------- History --------------- 1.0 (1.12.2002) - First public relase --------------- ToDo --------------- - find the rest of the bugs ;) - ... any suggestions ? --------------- Bugs --------------- - As far I know ... none ;) --------------- ThX --------------- John Hendrikx - For wonderful SFS of coz :) Jörg Strohmayer - For keep it alive --------------- Support --------------- Feel free to send me your suggestions and/or bug reports. --------------- Author --------------- Marcin "Morgoth" Kurek --------------------------------------