Short:        Shows Mountlists for auto-mounted devs
Author:       Andreas Hofbauer
Uploader:     worc0223 sable ox ac uk (Ben Hutchings)
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This command creates Mountlist entries for devices which are already
mounted, allowing you to re-mount devices whose drivers have crashed
or to disable devices with the Boot Menu and mount them at a later time
if necessary.

No documentation was written by the author, but usage is simple:

    shows a list of mounted devices.

MountInfo <device>:
    shows a Mountlist entry for a device.

MountInfo >>DEVS:Mountlist <device>:
    adds an entry for a device to the Mountlist

MountInfo >DEVS:DOSDrivers/<device> <device>:
    creates a "DOSDriver" file for a device, suitable for use with OS 2.1+

The author's address is:

	Andreas Hofbauer
	Kurfürstenplatz 7
	D 8000 München 40