Short:        ASM sources of xList105 (ModuleLister)
Author:       David 'Reez' Le Corfec
Uploader:     lecorfec merlin univ-mlv fr
Type:         dev/src
Version:      1.05
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

xList-GUI_105.s            16548       (assembled: 3984)
xList_105.s                27503       (assembled: 3920)
lvos.i                      6978

Includes needed for xList-GUI:
dos: dos.i, var.i
exec: execbase.i, exec.i, types.i
lvo: lvos.i (included in this distribution)
reqtools: reqtools_lib.i, reqtools.i

Includes needed for xList:
dos: dos.i, var.i
lvo: lvos.i
exec: types.i

note about the file "lvos.i":
It only contains the LVOs needed by both progs.

Part of util/misc/xList105.readme :
                               XLIST IS FREEWARE

                        This tool NEEDS V37+ OS (2.04+)

Some features:

-xList is a tool between xDir and List, oriented towards module-listing.
-CLI/WB usage (with GUI)
-Provides file comments, unlike xDir. Provides crunching infos, unlike List.
-No need of external libraries, but supports the following crunching types:
 XPK, LHA, Powerpacker data (PP20), CrunchMania , StoneCracker (S403/S404)
-Ratios and totals calculation.
-Doesn't show files starting by a dot (.*) and filenotes starting by 'XFH '.
-Pure (can be made resident)

 Read the doc for other features !