Short: An SDL tutorial on Fading for Varthall :) Author: Patrick Kooman, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough Uploader: Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com> Type: dev/src Version: 3 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 Notes from Spot. Hi Varthall, I found what you need to finish that port. Enjoy! Thanks mate, much appreciated ^^ /Varthall ----- Fading This little page is about fading. It describes the technique which slowly lets an image appear or disappear from the screen. A split-off from the "appear" techique is called a cross-fade. Most people (including myself) like these tricks because it looks so cool. The regular apprauch is that each frame during a fade, all RGB values of the pixels get modified by a certain amount, which makes the screen become darker or brighter (depends on the fade-option). There are two disadvantages to this apprauch: Pixel-operations are slow, especcialy when done in video memory Pixel-operations depend on the bit depth. Each bit-dept (8, 15/16, 24, 32) needs it's own implementation In this page, I'd like to show another way to make a fade. (I explain it for fading out, but for fading in it's just the other way around.) Alphablending. In stead of making the screen-surface darker, we go blend a black surface over it. If we slowly increase the aplha value from 0 (not visible ) to 255 (fully visible), the screen seems to get darker and darker, simulating a fade-out. When this technique is beeing used on a modern videocard, where alphablending is hardware accelerated, you have the fade almost for free, and for each bit-dept. :-)